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Money Could Even Bribe God

Money Could Even Bribe God

0In this place in the city, his words were more effective than those from the director. Sun Zhengrong's fiery temper and bad tone were understandable. After all, he had just experienced two attacks. Even worse, there had been no progress in finding the attackers.     

He came to visit General Director Xu for two reasons. One was to notify him of the latest progress. The other was to ask him to restrict the underground forces in Dao. The underground award was likely to be like throwing a grenade in oil, creating an explosive effect.     

The man's temperament was clearly known since he was a veteran in the police system. A large number of underground people would do anything for money, including harming their relatives. As long as there were enough profits, it would be no problem to let them betray relatives.     

This underground offer had resulted in the disorder of public peace in Dao. It was said that If one had money, one could make the devil push the millstone. Those people were devils who savored the taste of money.     

Before his trip, he thought it might turn out to like that. As a result, he did not feel too disappointed.     

"I will go now," General Director Xu said. "Sorry to disturb you."     

"Mr. Lin, please see Director Xu out," Sun Zhengrong said.     

He was in a bad mood after the attacks. Actually, it had been three. Only two people were attacking, yet they had left no signs to track. He had never encountered this before.     

It was not necessarily horrible to have enemies, but it was to not know their backgrounds and means.     

In a deserted warehouse in Dao, a man asked, "Brother, are you alright?"     

Cough! Cough! Cough! "No worries." As the other man spoke, blood seeped from the corner of his mouth.     

In the villa battle, the sudden flash bomb exploding had made them flustered and lose control, so he had been injured. It was an internal injury on his viscera. Thankfully, his viscera had been exercised in special ways. It would not lead to a big problem.     

"We cannot stay here any longer," the injured man said.     

"I see. I will come back with you," the other man said.     

"While there is life, there is hope," the injured man said.     

The two people were preparing to leave Dao, but it would not be easy. People had already been searching for them. The increase to $100 million made it even crazier.     

Countless people exhausted all their means to find them. No matter how difficult it was, under strong perseverance, one would make it happen sooner or later. Besides, it was not extremely hard to find these two people in a place like Dao.     

Their trace had been identified, so another opportunity would come. The men searching for them were like flies smelling the taste of stool. Although the metaphor was not elegant, it was precise.     

"They are so disgusting!" Miao Qingfeng thought about killing them, but he restrained himself.     

His trace had been disclosed because Gu Chunchi knew his identification. If he did not suppress his anger to slaughter them, even his master could not save him. It would likely lead to an irreversibly vicious effect on his hometown and school. It was now a peaceful society where you could not do anything you wanted. It was a society with rule of law.     

It was troublesome once their trace was revealed. Both of them were injured by burns. Someone in the first wave of tracking them had used frangible grenades, which were extremely lethal. Although it was not overstated that they could not be hurt by guns or knives, they were not flame-resistant.     

Therefore, Miao Qingfeng was angry. He revolted against them. Three people died. Their deaths were noticed. The people following them realized it was not easy to earn that $100 million, so they were crazier.     

Wheeze! Wheeze! "So tired!" Miao Qingfeng could keep still calm and peaceful. He had underestimated those men. He looked down upon them and the effect of money.     

The Dao police department issued an apprehension warrant. Since the number of deaths was increasing, these two men were defined as a high risk.     

They posted their photos in bus stations, train stations, airports, and everywhere with high population concentration.     

"It is more troublesome than we thought," Miao Qingfeng said.     

They had to disguise themselves when moving through the city, which was actually pretty easy for them. Other aspects of getting home were not so easy.     

"Buying a ticket is now under the real-name system," Miao Qingfeng said. "I am afraid that we cannot leave in a normal way."     

They hitchhiked in a cargo truck to silently exit Dao.     

People in Dao had been worried that the two men would escape. Now that they knew the identification of one of the men, they at least had more options to find them.     

"We have bought off a man in the village," a man said. " Zhao Yinghao went there about three months ago. Miao Qingfeng has even been implicated in a homicide case."     

"Good," Director General Xu said. It would be easier as long as they had shortcomings. "How do we address the host of the village?"     

"Miao Xihe," the subordinate said. "He is Miao Qingfeng's uncle."     

"Are they close," Director General Xu asked.     

"Yeah, during the homicide case he was involved in, it was Miao Xihe who turned up to tackle it," the subordinate said. "He was given the penalty of confinement for one year."     

"You go cope with it," Director General Xu said. "Whoever calls for trouble has to pay a toll no matter where he flees."     


In the village thousands of miles away, Zheng Shixiong was pushing Zheng Weijun to take a walk in the village.     

"Uncle, I was told that the villagers are going to move out," Zheng Shixiong said.     

"Yes, a horrible disease broke out in the village not long ago," Zheng Weijun said. "The origin was on Xishan Hill, which made people scared enough to move out. What's more, the Sun family gave them great privileges and same-area exchange. More than half of the houses in this village will go to Sun."     

"I think it is pretty good," Zheng Shixiong said.     

"Hmmm, what do you think if we buy a set of old houses here?" Zheng Weijun asked.     

"No problem," Zheng Shixiong said.     

They were still wealthy with grand careers, even more than Sun's. The expense of buying an old house was like pocket change for them.     

"Has Dr. Wang been very busy these days?" Zheng Weijun asked.     

He looked at the rows of cars parking outside.     

"Yeah, more people have come to see him for treatment lately," Zheng Shixiong said.     

Wang Yao was indeed busy, basically from dawn until dusk. The number of patients was up to 30 on the busiest day.     

There are so many people. I cannot do it on my own. Wang Yao thought over and over again. He set up another rule.     

He would only accept 20 patients. They would be seen based on the number they received. Of course, life-threatening cases were excluded.     

Wang Yao's reputation has spread from the nearby towns to everywhere in all of Lianshan, as well as to neighboring counties. With the spread of his reputation, more people came to see him for treatment in return, just like a restaurant with excellent dishes would attract more customers.     

Though more people came to see the doctor, the villagers were coming less. More people had started to move out. Word spread quickly, such as, "There are insects on Xishan, and the people will die once bitten."     

"Xiaoyao, are the insects on Xishan like what you said last time?" Zhang Xiuying asked during lunch.     

"Yeah," Wang Yao said.     

"Aren't they extinct?" Zhang Xiuying asked.     

"No," Wang Yao said. "It is hard to eliminate them."     

Although they were not eliminated, there should not have been many left.     

"Xishan will be deserted," Zhang Xiuying said.     

"It's not that horrible," Wang Yao said. "After some time, I will plant some special plants. Xishan can be reused."     

The next morning, a man in his 30s came to the clinic. He got a number and waited in line.     

"It's you," Wang Yao said.     

"I came to trouble you again," Zhong Liuchuan said.     

Wang Yao knew this man and had a deep impression of him because there was a scar on his face. The scar was spread from one corner of his mouth to the ear, like the clown in the famous American movie Batman, but his scar was only on one side.     

"Your injury should be no problem!" Wang Yao watched his complexion. His body was healthy, and he knew martial arts. That meant his Qi and blood ought to be vigorous     

"It is not me. It is my younger sister," Zhong Liuchuan said.     

"Where is she?" Wang Yao asked.     

"She did not come, but I brought her medical history," Zhong Liuchuan said. "Could you please have a look?"     

Wang Yao took the medical history and read it carefully.     

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