Elixir Supplier

Happiness Lies in Contentment

Happiness Lies in Contentment

0Pan Jun was a bit nervous. This was his first time treating a patient in Wang Yao's clinic. It was different from treating his wife at home. He remembered the first time he picked up a scalpel in the operating room. He had been nervous and excited.     

He took a deep breath and started to provide massage therapy to the two old patients. He was slow, but his hands were steady. After all, he could manipulate a scalpel.     

Pan Jun was familiar with the meridians and acupoints of the human body. He had also grasped the basic massage techniques. He only lacked practice. Therefore, he cherished the opportunity of hands-on practice.     

His hands were moving slowly. He applied a small force that gradually increased. These techniques were all taught by Wang Yao.     

"Ouch!" The patient's body suddenly twitched.     

"Sorry, does it hurt?" Pan Jun anxiously asked.     

"Yeah, a little bit," the old man said.     

"That's normal," Wang Yao said. One shouldn't expect to feel comfortable and relaxed when having a massage. Feeling sore, itchy, or numb was normal. "Continue."     

Pan Jun followed Wang Yao's instruction. Time passed slowly.     

"I think that's pretty much it," Wang Yao said.     

The massage session had lasted for about an hour.     

"Please wait for a while and see if you feel better," Wang Yao said to the patient.     

"OK," the old man said.     

The condition of the second patient was similar. Pan Jun was much more confident this time, so his movements were smoother. The massage session lasted 10 minutes.     

The two old patients were happy with the massage therapy provided by Pan Jun. They were in pain and couldn't walk properly when they came to the clinic. Now, they were much better.     

"Hmm, you are good," one of the patients said.     

The two patients left after paying their fees.     

"What do you think?" Wang Yao asked.     

"It was like my first time successfully saving a patient in the emergency department. I feel rewarded," Pan Jun said with a smile. He was telling the truth.     

"Come here as often as you can. You'll always have an opportunity to practice. You can also treat patients at your sister's clinic," Wang Yao said.     

A large proportion of Wang Yao's patients had headaches or pain in their legs. It was important to grasp the theory and practice to become a good doctor.     

"OK," Pan Jun said.     

Time passed quickly. It started to get dark. Pan Jun left the village. He had a meaningful and full day.     

"Mom, the hot springs facility in Li Family Creek has opened. I'll check it out tomorrow. You can take dad to enjoy the hot springs someday," Wang Yao said.     

"I'm not interested." Zhang Xiuying turned down the suggestion right away, although Wang Yao meant to be nice. She was obviously not interested. "Your sister's engagement party is in two days. Don't forget."     

"I won't," Wang Yao said.     

It was the biggest event of the year for his family.     

That evening, Wen Wan's son was concerned about his mother.     

"Mom, how are you feeling?" her son asked.     

"I'm much better," Wen Wan said.     

The decoction given by Wang Yao was very effective. She had taken the decoction twice and felt much better. Although she was still tired and uncomfortable, she was not as sick as she was the day before.     

"Good. Goodnight," her son said.     

"Goodnight," Wen Wan said.     

After watching his mother fall asleep, which didn't happen often, he covered her up and went to the courtyard. He lit a cigarette. Professor Lu was also in the courtyard smoking.     

"Is your mother sleeping?" Professor Lu asked.     

"Yes, the decoction worked well," Wen Wan's son replied. "Uncle Lu, you don't have to stay here. I can look after my mother."     

"That's fine. I have applied for some leave from school. You won't be able to manage by yourself here," Professor Lu said.     

Wen Wan's son was silent for a moment before saying, "I'm not sure how long we are going to stay here."     

"We'll stay here until she's recovered," Professor Lu said.     

Wen Wan's son was reluctant to bring his mother to the village. After all, this village was isolated, and the doctor in it might not have been qualified. He didn't have much faith. He didn't think any good doctor would be willing to stay in a clinic in an isolated village. All the good doctors probably worked in big hospitals. If Professor Lu hadn't convinced him and his mother that Wang Yao was a fantastic doctor, he would not have transferred his mother from a well-known hospital to a small village.     

He looks pretty much the same age as me but is such an amazing doctor. Why does he want to stay here? Wen Wan's son couldn't get it.     

It started to get windy and was quite cold outside.     

"Let's go inside. You've been busy the whole day. You need rest," Professor Lu said.     

"OK," Wen Wan's son said.     

It was quiet in the village that night. Professor Lu, Wen Wan, and her son all slept well.     

The next morning, Wang Zecheng went to Wang Yao's clinic around 9 a.m. to buy more decoctions.     

"Come in the afternoon and bring your dad with you," Wang Yao said.     

"OK," Wang Zecheng said.     

"You also need to look after yourself," Wang Yao said.     

Wang Yao thought Wang Zecheng looked terrible. He had deep eye bags, which was an indication of being overtired.     

"OK," Wang Zecheng said.     

He had changed. Previously, he just did some farming at home and worked casually in town. He never had a proper job. Now, to treat his father, he spent all the money he had saved over the years. If he continued to spend money like that, he wouldn't have any money left. However, he had sworn to himself that he had to provide his father with a happy and comfortable life for the rest of his years. Since he had to continue to buy the decoctions from Wang Yao, he had to make more money. He now had two jobs, which made him exhausted.     

"Health is the most important thing. If you become ill, all that you've done would be a waste," Wang Yao said.     

"I know. I just want to compensate for what I've done to my dad," Wang Zecheng said.     

It was not easy for a bad person to turn good.     

"Look, I can continue to give you the decoctions, but you can just pay half for now," Wang Yao said.     

"Are you sure that's OK to do?" Wang Zecheng asked with surprise.     

"Yes," Wang Yao said.     

"That's great! Don't worry, I'll pay you back," Wang Zecheng said.     

He would feel less stressed if he could pay half of the fee.     

"Anyway, don't forget to bring your dad here in the afternoon," Wang Yao said.     

Wang Zecheng told his wife about what Wang Yao said to him in the clinic.     

"Paying half first is good," his wife said.     

"Yes, I feel less stressed now," Wang Zecheng said.     

"Right, I heard the apartments in the town center are being built quite quickly. We can swap our two old houses in the village with the apartments. If we are short of money, we can sell the apartments," his wife said.     

"You are right. That is a good idea," Wang Zecheng said.     

Most of the villagers wanted to sell their houses in the village and buy apartments in the town center. They, on the other hand, wanted to sell the apartments in town so they could cash in to treat their father.     

Wang Yao brewed another decoction in the morning. He was treating two cancer patients in the village.     

I'll see him in the afternoon and think about what to do next.     

Wang Yao went to his clinic after lunch. Wang Zecheng brought his father to the clinic at around 1 p.m.     

Wang Zecheng's father looked good. His face was red, and his eyes were bright. He didn't even look sick.     

I hope this is not a momentary recovery just before death. Wang Yao was surprised to see the way Wang Zecheng's father looked.     

It was extremely abnormal for a cancer patient to look so well. Only a dying person would show such a sudden radiant look.     

"Uncle Yilong, please sit down." Wang Yao took a good look at the old man.     

"Good, you are fine," Wang Yao said after checking the old man.     

He took a big sigh of relief after making sure that the old man was not dying. The old man was well, much better than he had expected. It proved his theory. A good mood could speed up recovery, even for cancer patients.     

"Uncle Yilong, how have you been feeling lately?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Good, I feel good," the old man said. "I even went up the hill the day before."     

"How is your appetite?" Wang Yao asked.     

"Better than before. I have also been sleeping well. Your decoctions are so effective," the old man said.     

Wang Yao could tell a big change in the old man's mood. The old man was smiling, and his smile was sincere. Happiness laid in contentment. A good mood would make a person look better.     

He still had cancer, but its development had been controlled. Wang Yao's decoctions were effective, but his mood also made a big contribution to his recovery.     

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