Elixir Supplier

The Older the More Shameless

The Older the More Shameless

0Wang Yao had an idea. He hoped that in the future, he would be able to organize the knowledge he gained from the patients he treated and create a medical book, just like Sang Guzi. He already liked the profession of pharmacists. He hoped to pass it on and carry it forward.     

After finishing those things, it was after 6 p.m. He went to have dinner. Afterward, he went up the mountain early to prepare the medicinal materials. That night, he decocted drugs to treat Du Feng's heart damage.     

In the process of making the medicine, Wang Yao thought of the intermittent cream that had just been produced. I don't know if this intermittent cream can have any effect on this kind of disease. Since it was said to be able to recover the gap, it should also have a certain effect on such a disease.     

The night was quiet, and the lights were dim.     

Wang Zecheng couldn't sleep.     

"What's up?" his wife asked.     

"When I think about my father's illness, I think I should take my dad to the provincial hospital for a checkup," Wang Zecheng said.     

"You should go." His wife supported him.     

"I will ask Wang Yao," Wang Zecheng said.     

"Ask him?" His wife was confused     

"He said that he can slow down father's illness, but he can't cure it," Wang Zecheng said.     

"How can this disease be cured?" his wife asked.     

"His medicine should be prepared. I will ask him again," Wang Zecheng said.     

The next morning, Wang Zecheng came to the clinic early and waited.     

"Why did you come so early?" Wang Yao was surprised to see him after coming down from the mountain.     

"I wanted to ask you something," Wang Zecheng said. "Didn't you say last time that you could slow down my dad's illness? Is the medicine prepared?"     

"OK, come in and get it," Wang Yao said.     

"Oh, good." Wang Zecheng followed him to the clinic.     

Wang Yao took out the medicine that had been prepared. The white porcelain bottle was still warm.     

"How much?" Wang Zecheng asked.     

"$10,000," Wang Yao said.     

"How much?" Wang Zecheng was shocked. When Wang Yao told him that the medicine would be expensive, he had made psychological preparation. He had not expected it would be so expensive.     

"What? Is that expensive?" Wang Yao calmly asked.     

"To be honest, it is beyond my imagination," Wang Zecheng said.     

Common people often had this reaction. They were not bosses like Tian Yuantu or Wei Hai with hundreds of millions of dollars. They trusted Wang Yao's medical skills.     

To be honest, many people in the village only knew that Wang Yao was a doctor. They thought he could only cure some ailments like headaches, fever, backache, and leg pain. If they had big problems, they still went to the hospital.     

"Do you want it or not?" Wang Yao asked. "It is your choice." His medicine was worth the money.     

Wang Zecheng thought for a while and asked, "What do you think about this? Can I give you $5,000 first to see the effect?"     

"Since we live in the same village, I can break my rules once," Wang Yao said. The fact that Zecheng was going to buy it surprised him a little.     

"Well, wait, I am going to withdraw the money." Wang Zecheng hurriedly left. He returned about 30 minutes later.     

"Here it is." He put $5,000 on the table.     

"Here are the medicines, methods of taking them, and the precautions." Wang Yao handed the piece of paper and porcelain bottle to him.     

"OK, thank you." Wang Zecheng returned home with the medicine.     

He told his wife how much it cost. She was shocked.     

"Xiao Yao is too black-hearted," she said. "What medicine costs $5,000? You must have been cheated."     

"Don't worry. We will try it first. You can't tell my father about it," Wang Zecheng said.     

"I know." His wife pouted. She muttered, "We all live in the same village, so why did he charge so much? We always see him!"     

Wang Zecheng came to his father's room with the warm medicine. The old man was lying on his bed and frowning.     

In the past few days, the illness had worsened. The old man had a bad feeling. After seeing his son, he still did not ask anything.     

"Dad?" Wang Zecheng softly asked.     

"What is it?" The old man opened his eyes and looked at his son.     

"This is some medicine you need to drink," Wang Zecheng said.     

"Well, OK," the old man said. "Chinese medicine?" The old man was a little surprised when he looked at the medicine soup poured from the white porcelain bottle.     

"Yes, it is Chinese medicine." Wang Zecheng did not say much.     

The old man drank all the medicine in the bowl. It was slightly bitter. When he drank it, he only felt that his abdomen became warm. It quickly spread throughout his limbs. It was very comfortable.     

Huh! The old man let out a long sigh of relief.     

"How are you feeling, Dad?" Wang Zecheng asked.     

"Hot but very comfortable," his father said.     

After all, this was a bowl of medicine, not an elixir. It was impossible to have an immediate effect.     

"Well, if you feel uncomfortable, just let me know." Wang Zecheng was still worried whether this medication had other side effects.     

"Oh, well, you don't have to stay with me," his father said.     

"I will accompany you for a while." Wang Zecheng stayed for a while before going out.     

"How is your dad?" his wife asked.     

"There is nothing wrong temporarily. You also need to listen to him," Wang Zecheng said.     

"OK," his wife said.     

The old man was lying on the bed. The warmth made his body comfortable. It was as if he was soaking in hot water. The pain in his abdomen was slowly alleviated.     

Ah! He sighed because he felt comfortable. He slowly fell asleep.     

At noon, lunch was prepared. Wang Zecheng went to ask his father to eat. He softly walked into the room and saw the old man lying quietly on his bed. He had fallen asleep. His face looked peaceful, which had not happened in a long time. He knew from the hospital doctor that the disease caused the patient extreme pain. The discomfort could make it hard to fall asleep.     

"This medicine really works." Wang Zecheng stood quietly and watched his father for a while before quietly going out.     

"Where is Dad?" his wife asked.     

"Dad is asleep, and he is sleeping quite well. Let's eat. We will leave some food for him." Wang Zecheng left part of each dish. The couple started eating.     


In Jing…     

"How about him, Dr. Chen?" Wu Tongrong asked.     

"The old man's condition is very stable. He is getting better and better. The effectiveness of this medicine is indeed extraordinary," the old doctor sighed.     

"That's good," Wu Tongrong said.     

After the Spring Festival, his younger brother made a special trip to Lianshan County to seek out this drug. The efficacy was extraordinary. Now, his father could get up and move around, which made their family very happy.     

"When will he come again?" Dr. Chen asked.     

"I don't know. He just said that he would come back after the festival," Wu Tongrong said.     

"It's good as long as he promised," Dr. Chen said.     

After leaving the Wu family's residence, he went to the home of his old friend. The old man was playing with birds at home.     

"Oh, you are being quite leisurely," Dr. Chen said.     

"Hey! Did you just come out from the Wu Family?" Dr. Li asked.     

"Well, the news was very well-informed," Dr. Chen said.     

"He also called me," Dr. Li said.     

"Really?" Dr. Chen was surprised.     

"Come on, play chess with me," Dr. Li said.     

"Hey, what's wrong with you today?" Dr. Chen asked. "You are very active!"     

The two old men played in the small courtyard.     

"The results of the drug test came out," Dr. Li said.     

"Did it fail?" Dr. Chen asked.     

"Yes, only a few kinds of herbs were clear. The main drugs used are still unknown," Dr. Li said.     

The two bantered back and forth, but their hands were not idled. They spoke chess terms to each other.     

"Kill your car!"     

"Fly the horse!"     

"Have some tea." Dr. Li's wife served the tea.     

"Thank you." Dr. Chen hurriedly got up and took over the teacup. They soon went back to speaking chess terms.     

"The soldier goes forward!"     

"Fly the elephant!"     

"I told you that long ago, but you didn't listen to me," Dr. Chen said.     

"If it can be analyzed to know the elements, it would be a major breakthrough in the treatment of this disease, which is a benefit for future generations," Dr. Li said.     

"Oh, you don't have to be so righteous in front of me. If you published all of your knowledge and let the people in the industry learn freely, it would also be a good thing for future generations. You can do it," Dr. Chen said in a mocking tone.     

"How could I do this while the teacher has rules?" Dr. Li asked.     

"Ah!" Dr. Chen waved his hand disdainfully.     

"Hey, kill your general," Dr. Li said. "When did your horse come here?"     

"Just when you showed your righteousness," Dr. Chen said. "Oh, I find that you are getting more and more shameless. I'm not staying here!"     

He got up and left without looking back.     

"Hey, you wait." Dr. Li got up and went to grab his old friend's sleeve, but it was to no avail.     

"You are already more than 70, yet you are trying to take advantage of a young man," Dr. Chen said. "Li Shengrong, why didn't I realize this before?"     

He angrily left, leaving the slightly fatter old man foolishly standing at the door.     

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