Tempest of the Stellar War

A girl from a faraway place

A girl from a faraway place

0He was surprised to be in the same section as such a noble person. If he was still in a military school, this type of person would not even take a look at him.     

The IG's influence on a military school student was simply too big. For other people, like Jing Long, they had not been influenced directly and would not have had the same idea. Students were students after all, while they were experienced soldiers.     

There were many hidden talents in the military. Some of them had their glorious days when they were in school and then became ordinary and similar to the rest once they entered the military.     

One could only tell if he was a talent after testing him.     

"Wang Zheng, you can choose to use any mech. I have no idea what you are good at. However, there aren't any Atlantean mecha. Moreover, their runic mecha would not be useful in this place." The Red Fox laughed. Her gaze was provocative. As the captain of the Red Fox Section, the Red Fox was brimming with confidence and pride.     

Wang Zheng was familiar with the mecha of the Section. As a maintenance technician and during the time when he was cleaning the mecha, he had a good opportunity to familiarize himself with the mecha. This also allowed him to know the practical conditions and the pros and cons of the mecha. The most important thing was that he could roughly deduce the maximum stress load each mecha could withstand.     


This was a state of mind.     

"I guess I will choose the G5."     

The G5 was a conventional model among the Titatitan Star mecha and was also the most common. They were specially made for the situation of the Titatitan Star. When one just arrived on the Titatitan Star, this model would be the easiest to get used to. Wang Zheng preferred to use basic models. Frankly speaking, the Titatitan Star really suited people with a strong foundation like Wang Zheng.     

"Hehe. Brat, I wouldn't dare to bully you." The Red Fox also chose the G5.     

This model was suitable for multiple roles in battle. The division of labor wasn't very distinct on the Titatitan Star and there weren't many options. The roles would be decided by the pilots based on their responsibilities in their section.     

Chang Xiaodan ripped his throat and shouted, "Wang Zheng, be careful. Our boss is a wind element Ability X user and is unparalleled on the Titatitan Star."     

At the same time, the other two sections were in deep thought. A normal person would not be able to turn the tables here. What was a grandmaster from the IG doing here?     

This was simply too incomprehensible. Moreover, due to an erroneous report, this brat had almost died on the Titatitan Star. It seemed that anything weird was possible.     

"Ate, is this brat really that good? We are on the Titatitan Star. Didn't you say that it suited the people from the Gemini Star better?" The Silver Fox was a little worried. Oh damn. Just when everything was proceeding smoothly, someone had poured a bucket of cold water on his head. He had already thought of how good the Red Fox would make him feel after he become the squadron leader.     

The thought of the 36D getting further away from him almost made him mad.     

"Others might be affected, but he would never be!" Ate replied decisively. He was able to recognize Wang Zheng the moment he saw him, and running away was purely instinctive.     

They were from completely different leagues. He did not have to think about it. In some aspects, the people from the Norton Star were rather direct. The Norton Star had been dominated by Atlantis. Therefore, they knew how terrifying they were. However, Wang Zheng was able to destroy their strongest warrior and went against all odds with his own strength. Even people of the Norton Star, who were known for their bravery, would not want to fight with such a person.     

"I believe that he prefers to use some fancy mecha. Mecha like those of Atlantis would not be an option in this place." The Silver Fox did not want to give in.     

"Captain, you have not seen him using basic model mecha. He looked even more terrifying."     

He remembered Wang Zheng's Hercules that could smash you to death directly without the need to use his Ability X. One wouldn't know if they ought to fight or not. It didn't matter if he couldn't use Ability X or had restrictions on energy-based equipment on the Titatitan Star.... just the thought of fighting him was already terrifying.     

"No matter how strong he is, he is still a student. He is just a stupid kid. Has he seen blood? This is the military!"     

Clearly, not everyone was convinced. Yang Dian did not read too much into it. "Stop trying to raise their morale while diminishing our awe. Damn! When I was killing people, he was still drinking milk."     

"Vice-captain Yang Dian. The casualty rate during the latest IG was close to 40%," Ate said calmly.     

He wasn't just an ordinary student soldier, but an IG member. These were two distinct concepts.     

"Shut up. Let's see again!" The Silver Fox stopped the rest from debating.     

Golden Fox Section     

Jingrong was also having a headache. Due to the emergence of this brat, the people from other sections seemed to be inclined towards the Red Fox.     

"Kong Zhan, based on what you said, do we have any chance at all?"     

"Captain, I wasn't trying to create unnecessary fear or anxiety. When he familiarizes himself with the mecha in this place, even if our whole section were fighting against him… we might not be... we would not be his match," Kong Zhan replied as he forced a smile. If there was even a slight glimmer of hope, he would not have said such depressing words.     

"No matter how strong he is, he is still just a single person. Let's just use some moves to teach him a lesson. I do not believe that he would be able to withstand it!"     

Kong Zhan knew that underhanded moves were common in the military sometimes. They wouldn't be bothered by it. This was because there were more of such cases during the IG. Killing your opponents would reduce the competition and wasn't a big matter. The Solar System Federation must have encountered similar scenarios, but the outcome would always be bad.     

Wang Zheng wasn't someone to be trifled with. When it was the time to be ruthless, he could be very ruthless. He was the type that would play along with his opponents' rules.     

Kong Zhan was only here to train himself and had no intention to die here.     

"Captain, I do not care what kind of moves you will be using, but I will not be a part of it. However, I only have one thing to say. This person is not to be trifled with. We should at least observe a little longer," said Kong Zhan.     

He couldn't stop his captain. After all, he was just a member here. However, he didn't want members from his section to die and have a blip on his resume.     

Kong Zhan even felt that the deadlock on the Titatitan Star would change because of this person. Although this thought seemed impossible, Wang Zheng was someone who could give others the confidence that it would be possible.     

On the training ground, the Red Fox had already operated the G5 towards Wang Zheng and started a barrage of attacks. Facing a master from the IG, the Red Fox did not have to hold back. There wasn't a lack of highly skilled people in the military, and there were even more with experience. The crucial thing was that the battle style in the military was very different from those in military school. It was more simple and direct but with much higher efficiency.     

Red Fox was using a very practical set of moves used in the military with her titanium blade. The slashes were highly efficient and were dominating Wang Zheng. The set of moves was fixed but changes to it made it unpredictable. The Red Fox was adept in those moves. Splitting, piercing, slashes, and smashes. Every strike was deadly. On the Titatitan Star, where there wasn't an energy shield, the risks during battle were much higher. This had also resulted in changes to the warrior's psychology. Everyone was more aggressive as defending would not be enough. However, Wang Zheng's defense was very solid. Facing the sharp blade, he seemed overly calm and composed. This could be seen from his stable operations of the mech. No matter how fierce his opponent's attacks were, his defense seemed to be calm like the water surface of a pond.     

The Red Fox finally understood Wang Zheng's strength. He was indeed strong.     

However, she wouldn't be impressed that easily.     

Following an explosive sound, both the mecha took a step back. However, the titanium blade of the Red Fox's G5 carried a shining gust of wind along. She had invoked her Ability X!     


Instantly, the mech lunged ahead. At the same time, the titanium blade lanced out. Gale Strike!     

It was an ordinary, straight-line attack. However, with the injection of her wind element Ability X, the speed of this strike was moving like a bolt of lightning. This type of high speed attack not only had a fierce attacking power. With the speed of the impact, if it connected, it would pierce through the mech.     

One could said that it encompassed the essence of fast, accurate, and fierce that were common in the military. It seemed simple but was also the most effective.     


The lightning speed attack was stopped by Wang Zheng by just the right amount. However, this attack had also knocked Wang Zheng back three huge steps.     

Wang Zheng was surprised that a simple attack could explode with such power. This was stronger than speed-type Ability X users. He really couldn't belittle the various heroes around the world.     

The Red Fox did not intend to continue attacking. Both of them were just sparring. She could tell that Wang Zheng was just defending and had no intention to attack. As the captain, she couldn't just continue attacking. Moreover, there was no need for a victor to be determined. If she won, there wouldn't be any meaning. However, if she lost, it would affect her prestige as the captain.     

It would seem that Wang Zheng was an understanding brat. The Red Fox was glad.     

"Great moves. You are the first person to stop my Gale Strike," said the Red Fox with a smile. From her gaze at Wang Zheng, one could tell that she was even more satisfied with Wang Zheng.     

"Damn! Did you have to be so strong? You wouldn't be able to find anyone who could block the Gale Strike in his first fight," said Jing Long. Names were something illusionary. He could tell that Wang Zheng was highly skilled from his stable defense     

"The captain was also great. The Gale Strike made full use of the extreme speed and seemed to have the potential to follow up with a secondary effect," said Wang Zheng     

The Red Fox was stunned. Could this brat not be so strong? "You are right. If I utilized my Gale Strike well, there was a chance that it would bring with it the effect of electricity. However, with my current Ability X, I could only use it once every six Gale Strikes."     

"Wind" belonged to the "Wood" element. The speed that "Wind" brought was different from simply speed. It would also invoke an electrical effect.     

Ability X was really deep and broad. The more Wang Zheng delved into it, the more he felt the need to supplement it with more theories. Regretfully, he hadn't attended Academy X previously. With humans' ability to conclude, it wouldn't be so shallow as was the performance. However, the military liked to keep some stuff hidden.     

Wang Zheng was trying to do something, but the reality was that he was just a brainless soldier now. For the subsequent period of time, the team acted like nothing had happened. Although everyone had a different understanding of him, he was required to attend training as usual. Other than performing maintenance on the mecha with Barry, he also participated in patrolling. However, nothing special had happened.     

Clearly, the battle for squadron leader had nothing do with the section members. Wang Zheng wasn't so naïve either. There were probably many other considerations in determining who would be the squadron leader. The Red Fox was also busy with various things. However, through the discussion of the other members, it seemed that the chances of the Golden Fox and Silver Fox were still higher.     

The Golden Fox was a local, while the Silver Fox had the best qualifications and good relationships with the upper echelons. Rumor had it that this guy had the abilities of a pimp. No matter who came from the upper management, he always could take good care of them.     

The chances of the Red Fox weren't great unless she sacrificed herself. When they announced it was a competition, it was only on the books.     

Wang Zheng's peaceful life ended with the arrival of Ye Zisu.     

At the space station, Ye Zisu appeared in front of him in a simple, white dress. Although it wasn't a long time since they met during the IG, it felt like a generation of time had passed.     

Ye Zisu smiled brightly and hugged Wang Zheng passionately.     

"Zisu, did you lose weight? You have to eat more," said Wang Zheng with a smile.     

"Where have I slimmed down? Clearly I have put on some weight. If I were to eat more, no one would want me anymore." Ye Zisu laughed. At the same time, she introduced the people who were with her. They were all technical personnel from the R&D department of OMG.     

"My... My name is Barry. I'm from Astina and a comrade of Wang Zheng," said Barry with a stammering voice.     

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