God Of Slaughter

Unexpected cake from Heaven

Unexpected cake from Heaven

0In the large stone hall.     

Shi Yan was composedly sitting in the middle of the stone hall with a serious face. His bright eyes stared at the jade bottle and the two jade boxes in front of him without blinking. Seven antiquated dark-yellow scripture books laid in a line behind the jade boxes.     

Yu Rou and Di Shan kept silent, standing in front of Shi Yan, one on his left while the other one on his right.     

Ya Meng, Ka Ba, and Yi Tian Mo miserably glared at the seven dark-yellow scripture books. It seemed that they wanted to say something but couldn't. They apparently regretted this decision and did not want to hand over these Demonic Sound Clan's books. However, they had no other choices.     

In a big chamber inside the stone hall, Cao Zhi Lan, Gu Ling Long, and Qu Yan Qing were overwhelmed with the feeling of worry and insecurity. They were observing the scene happening in the stone hall with dark faces.     

"You can directly take the White Jade Spirit Fruit. After consuming it, meditate instantly and attentively absorbed the soul refining power of the Spirit Fruit. This method is very simple. You just need to carry the internal powers to the brain. The energy inside of the Spirit Fruit will unblock the nerves and veins in your brain, making your soul extremely sensitive as well as helping you meditate well. If you can absorb all of the powers of a White Jade Spirit Fruit into your brain, it will be very useful for your cultivation as well as the reinforcement of your mental state and soul purification. It makes the powers of your soul very sensitive and increases the coverage range and intensity of your mental state." Yu Rou's expression was somber. With her gentle voice, she slowly explained Shi Yan the consumption method and the efficacy of the White Jade Spirit Fruit.     

"The Black Head Lotus is even simpler. A slice of the Black Head Lotus can be compressed into plenty of juice. You just need to apply that juice all over your body and let your pores absorb the juice of the Black Head Lotus. It will get into your body and gradually form a lotus tattoo on your chest. This lotus tattoo can enhance the refining speed of the Sky and Earth aura five times during five years. Once you cultivate, as long as the Black Lotus Tattoo doesn't disappear, the Sky and Earth aura will gather within five-times faster and flowed in that Black Lotus Tattoo. Through this Black Lotus Tattoo, you can refine, transform, and then slowly pour your profound Qi in to help increase your cultivation speed." Di Shan squinted while his black wings retracted. He clenched his lips, seeming to be a little heart-rending.     

"Heaven Fountain Concentrated Water is the treasure of the Gray Wings Clan. The usage is also simple. Hmm, if you are injured, or your profound Qi has a significant loss, you just need to drink one drop of the Heaven Fountain Concentrated Water. It will instantly supplement your Profound Qi for you and also cure your wounds very fast. You temporarily do not need it now. Wait until you break the Formation Technique, if your energy is consumed too much, you can use the Heaven Fountain Concentrated Water to recover it. It will increase your powers." Yu Rou smiled and continued. "Di Shan has put a lot of effort to convince Duo Long to give you one bottle of the Heaven Fountain Concentrated Water. He almost fought with Duo Long. Thus, do not disappoint us."     

Shi Yan sat still as a stone. His expression was calm and severe. "Don't worry. If I have these three things from you and yet could not break the Formation Technique, you can do anything with me as you wish."     

Di Shan nodded. He then looked at Ka Ba, Ya Meng, and Ti Tian Mo and neglectfully asked, "How about you?"     

Ka Ba was stunned, pointing at the scripture books on the ground said miserably, " We have placed all of the scriptures over there."     

"You think he can understand them? Those are antiquated books. If you don't give him any guidance, do you think that he can still understand them?"     

"Argh." Ka Ba scratched his head without knowing how to answer. He replied eventually, "Ok, I will show him."     

"No." Ya Meng and Yi Tian Mo spoke up simultaneously.     

All of the seven scripture books did not belong to Ka Ba alone; Ya Meng and Yi Tian Mo preserved five of them. These five books could not be spread out to the others. If Ka Ba knew the contents of these five books, he possibly could capture the other two leaders' secret soul techniques in his hand.     

Shi Yan revealed a wicked smile. Although he was under a tight watch of the top-class warriors of the two tribes, he still deliberately walked to the scripture books and picked one of them up. He glanced at it and said, "No need to bother you. I can understand these ancient scriptures."     

The five leaders' expressions slightly changed. Astonishment exposed on their faces.     

"Shi Yan, what did you say?" Yu Rou shook her head with doubt and said, "Don't bluster. It is not the time to boast. These scriptures were from our ancestors. It should be tens of thousands of years ago, how could you know about them?"     

"Seven Manipulation Gods." Shi Yan pointed at the scripture book in his hand, looking towards Ka Ba and asked, "Am I pronouncing the title correctly?"     

Ka Ba's eyes lit up; his face was very odd, but he still gently nodded his head, "That's correct. These are the three words 'Seven Manipulation Gods'. I didn't expect that you know it."     

The eyes of five leaders of the pagan tribes expressed an astonishment and suspicions at the same time. They did not know how he could read these ancient scriptures.     

"Alright. You have brought everything here. I can now start my cultivation." Shi Yan leisurely stretched his hands touching the treasures and ancient scripture books in front of him. The Blood Vein Ring in his finger flared up several times; those things then disappeared one by one into the ring.     

"Ah, if there is nothing important, please don't disturb me." Shi Yan raised his head looking at the five leaders.     

"Ok, ok. You focus on your cultivation. I will be around to watch out. Call me if you need anything." The matriarch of White Wings Clan revealed a beautiful smile. After thinking a while, she threw a glance at the three women of Cao Zhi Lan's group in the distance and said, "If those three women are not enough, I will arrange more for you. You can set your mind to rest about this fact. Duo Long has captured a human woman named He Qing Man. I have bargained with Duo Long. He will bring that girl here in a moment."     

An idea suddenly popped up in Di Shan's mind. He said, "That woman is quite beautiful too. She will also be handed to you to stabilize your emotions. So, you don't need to worry about girls."     

"He Qing Man?" Shi Yan's face slightly changed. His eyes kept moving before speaking, "The girl that I need should be a virgin. Virgins have the most efficiency. If not, the results will be a lot less."     

"What?" Di Shan was startled for a while before talking to Yu Rou, "We perhaps have to put more pressure on Duo Long."     

"I think Duo Long will also sacrifice that small thing for the bigger thing." Yu Rou looked at Shi Yan while revealing a faint smile. After mumbling to herself, she reluctantly nodded and said, "So, we will go to discuss much more with Duo Long."     

"Hmm, sorry for having to bother you this time." Shi Yan said with an excited face. "Only human women are suitable for me. I am not sure if the women of your two tribes can be suitable or not. That's why I hope the woman whose name is He Qing Man will be sent here unharmed. With four girls at hand, I think that I will not have any problems."     

"Damn you little rascal." Yu Rou shook her head and said helplessly, "Alright, because of our two tribes, we will bring that girl here intact as you wish."     

"Korf, korf. That's good." Shi Yan's face remained unchanged. He hurriedly said with an impatient expression, "Now, I need carry on my cultivation. If there is nothing else to say, please..."     

"Let's go." Di Shan leaped up, the pair of black wings on his back flapped gently. His figure gradually faded and disappeared completely out of sight.     

Ka Ba, Ya Meng, and Yi Tian Mo stared at Shi Yan before leaving without saying anything further.     

Yu Rou was the last one to leave. She waited until the four of them had disappeared to speak to Shi Yan, "Little rascal, you now take care of this matter by your own. If you cannot help our two tribes break the Formation Technique, no one can save you."     

"Thank you." Shi Yan sincerely said while looking straight into Yu Rou's eyes.     

"No need to say thank you. I only think for the welfare of the two tribes." Her beautiful eyes blinked; her mouth revealed a secret smile. Yu Rou paused for a while before she slowly turned around and flew away.     

Eventually, only Shi Yan alone was sitting straight and motionlessly in the stone hall. He knitted his eyebrows and contemplated.     

After the three women of Cao Zhi Lan's group had been watching him in silence for a while, they quietly walked out of the stone chamber but still kept a safe distance with Shi Yan. They looked at him with a confused expression; it seemed that they wanted to say something but couldn't find any topics to talk about.     

"The three of you should be obedient. This place is not the outside world. You were something in the outside world, but you are nothing here." Shi Yan turned around and said in a low tone. "Do not disturb me. Be obedient over there. Female slaves should behave as female slaves."     

"Female slaves?" Gu Ling Long's complexion suddenly changed. Her look was chilled-to-the-bone; she fiercely stared at Shi Yan's back. Her big breasts heaved nonstop. "What did you say?" Gu Ling Lung secretly gritted her teeth; she now looked like a little tigress showing her fangs and claws. She resented not to be able to jump over to Shi Yan to tear him apart.     

"As I have said, the three of you are slaves. I can play with you whenever I want." Shi Yan turned his head around, coldly glancing at the three of them with a mocking face. "If you are not well behaved, I would not mind teaching you a bit about your manners."     

"You," Gu Ling Long's and Qu Yan Qing's beautiful faces instantly turned pale. They were so angry that their bodies trembled, they looked like they were ready to risk their lives to kill Shi Yan.     

Only Cao Zhi Lan was not mad, but she felt a little dreary within her own heart. She released a long sigh and then walked towards Gu Ling Long and Qu Yan Qing to comfort them. She helplessly said, "We cannot do anything when facing this emotionless rascal. Don't hurt yourselves."     

Gu Ling Lung and Qu Yan Qing clenched their teeth but did not dare to storm in and fight with him. They knew that it was not good to irritate Shi Yan at this moment.     

In the past few days, whenever Shi Yan had gotten irritated by them, he had violated all the sensitive places on their bodies.     

When Shi Yan was waiting for the two pagan tribes to bring their treasures, he closed his eyes meditating; it was like he was reviewing all the secrets in his cultivation. The three women could not do anything except insulting him with their words and curses, and the results were always woeful. It always ended up with their bodies being disgraced.     

Except for Cao Zhi Lan who hadn't been violated as she was obedient since the beginning, Shi Yan had already manipulated all the sensitive places on Gu Ling Long's and Qu Yan Qing's bodies.     

The two girls were very embarrassed. However, whenever they thought about committing suicide, they got a terrible splitting headache and did not have any abilities to do it.     

Having been violated for many, many times, the two women were gradually getting more obedient. They did not dare to irritate Shi Yan too much; they immediately stopped if they saw Shi Yan start to get angry.     

"I am almost done cultivating. Lower your voices. Do not disturb me." Shi Yan stood up glancing at the three frightened women. After that, he entered a vast stone chamber on the right side of the stone hall. After closing the door, he closed his eyes and began meditating.     

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