God Of Slaughter

Arrogant Bluster

Arrogant Bluster

0Deep in a forest.     

Shi Yan's big hand laid on the stunningly round and firm breasts of the matriarch of the White Wings Clan. After the terrible hair-raising scream, he waited for the rage of the hurricane and thunderstorm to come. Unexpectedly, the brutal attack of Yu Rou did not rise yet.     

To protect himself against a deadly strike which could dreadfully kill him, not only did Shi Yan implement the Petrification Martial Spirit but he also used the Dark Shield. Also, he circulated the profound Qi in his body and accumulated all the forces into his body for the defense.     

However, after ten seconds of anxiously waiting for the violent repercussion attack that was supposed to happen after he had fondled her white, silky breasts, the attack, finally, did not come as expected.     

Shi Yan was bewildered looking at the matriarch of the White Wings Clan. He surprisingly realized that her skin had turned red, her eyes were dreamily infatuated, her breathing was rushed. She was standing there motionlessly. Even her snow-white wings were tremblingly retracted and then stretched out again.     

There was a warm, elastic feeling where he laid his hands. On top of the beautiful bosom perked a grape sized bead that was gradually getting bigger. Oh...     


Furious lust like a volcano exploded. The calmness in Shi Yan's eyes suddenly became a burning flame, and the lusty fire in his body rose up nonstop.     

In just a moment, Shi Yan lost his mind again and was dominated by lust. The other hand of his also stretched out and laid upon the round bottom of the noble lady. He rubbed it unceremoniously for a cool while before suddenly dashing forward biting her pinky red lips.     

Fragrance came up through to his nose. The mesmerizing feeling was running through his big body like an electric current, making Shi Yan's body slightly tremble and feel extremely pleasurable.     

Shi Yan was nibbling on the beautiful cherry blossom lips of the matriarch of the White Wing Clan. His two hands were not free; they kept caressing her body, freely disgracing this hebetate lady.     

"Um..." Yu Rou gasped for breath when being compelled to kiss Shi Yan; she couldn't help but moan.     

The matriarch of the White Wings Clan had never been violated by any man before. After letting out a moan, her mind quickly recovered and got out from a deep valley of temptation.     

Her beautiful dreamy eyes flashed up a cold, threatening beam of light. Right after that, a flow of horrendous power gushed out from her delicate body.     


That terrifying flow of power like a huge mountain pounded on Shi Yan. His body like a kite with its broken string was blown far away by the wind. He spat out a mouthful of blood while his body was still in the air. The Dark Shield on his body was broken into pieces; his skin and flesh were torn apart. After falling, the forces of his entire body were agitated and in a total mess.     

"You dare! You dare..." The face of the matriarch of the White Wings Clan was cold and grim. The murderous look in her eyes was like real sharp swords shooting outwards.     

Shi Yan's entire body didn't have any energy left. All kinds of forces were stirring up and about. He wanted to move, but he couldn't use even a single beam of power except for helplessly staring at the dazzling sunbeam that was advancing toward him.     

His body got seriously injured just in a blink. The five Devils in the sea of consciousness, on the contrary, were more restful; they no longer dared to revolt at this particularly critical moment.     

"I can help the Wings Race get out of here!" Shi Yan said through his clenched teeth. "If I am dead, you will have to stay here forever."     

The beautiful eyes of the matriarch of the White Wings Clan flared up a strange white ray of light; her gruff feeling started cooling down little by little.     

"Swoosh swoosh swoosh."     

White beams of light advancing towards Shi Yan abruptly diverted and zoomed over the two sides of Shi Yan's ears, intensively plunging deep into the ground.     

Shi Yan silently released a sigh and took out his hands wiping away the blood at the corners of his mouth. He still fearlessly said, "You are too mesmerizing. Don't blame me. Any man in front of you will not be able to control himself. Hmm, it is unbelievable that you have never experienced any relations between a man and a woman. Actually, I have earned a good bargain." Not only did Shi Yan not even try to be pitiable given the current situation but he also dared to say perverse words. Such a formidable lust indeed.     

The sharp backfire from Yu Rou's body instantly struck out Shi Yan away. The strange beam of light uncontrollably flew straight out from her eyes. If it weren't for Shi Yan's timely scream, even if he could avoid it for one time, he would not be able to avoid it for the second time. Although his body was intensively firm, he wouldn't have been able to bear it.     

"You deserve to die." Yu Rou breathed hastily. Her eyes were sparkling with many cold beams of light; her body was full of sharp, murderous looks. She gritted her teeth fiercely, glaring at Shi Yan. She was so angry that her delicate body shivered.     

Shi Yan slowly sat up. His skin and flesh were torn down; fresh blood ran freely all over his body. However, under Yu Rou's angry look, he bloomed a bright smile and said, "Hahaha, death is worth it! You are too mesmerizing. Even if I have to die to kiss you, I would still be happy to do it. Hahaha."     

Yu Rou's snow-white wings slightly wavered; her graceful body moved forward to Shi Yan. A white sword made by the profound Qi slowly emerged from her palm and was placed on his throat. Looking at Shi Yan with her dull eyes, she said with an icy voice, "You are not scared of being dead?"     

"I am." Shi Yan laughed out loud and calmly nodded. "Of course, I am scared of being dead. But I know you will not kill me. Hahaha. I am the first man who ever kissed you, aren't I?"     

"You still dare to say..." Yu Rou was convulsive and so agitated that she burst into laughter. "You think I won't dare to kill you? Even if I don't kill you now, wait until you break the Formation Technique, not only will I kill you but I will also make you die miserably because of what you have done today. By that time, you will know that falling into my hands will be worse than Duo Long's."     

"I believe it." Shi Yan nodded and deliberately said. "I know that your cultivation Realm is higher than Duo Long's. If you want to kill me, I absolutely cannot die easily."     

Yu Rou's beautiful eyes were in a daze in a short time. The more she looked at the boastful guy in front of her, the angrier she got. This detestable little rascal was lusty and did not care about life or death when disgracing her. He freely did offensive things to her flawless, virgin body. She regretted not to be able to cut Shi Yan into thousands of pieces, but she knew that this was not the right time to kill him.     

For the Wings Race to get the hell out of this damn place, she had to be patient.     

"You are incredibly mesmerizing..." Shi Yan softly said, quietly observing and slowly moving his neck out of the attacking area of the dazzling light sword in Yu Rou's hand. When he was in the safe zone, he stood up.     

Yu Rou's arm with the sword in her hand stretched straight out. She looked at him and revealed a cold smile. After a while, the light sword slowly retracted and disappeared into her palm.     

After Shi Yan silently let out a sigh of relief, his eyes flared up. He suddenly took one step forward, determinedly held the white, jade-like hand of this charming noble lady, and gutsily said, "Things between us have already happened, so will you be my woman then?"     

"You!" The matriarch of the White Wings Clan suddenly vigorously waved her arms and furiously glared at him. "You, crazy little rascal, you want me to be your girl?! I have never met any insanely dreamy man like you. What do you have? What can you give me? Based on what reasons do you dream to have me? Only because that you've kissed me?" Yu Rou sickly smiled; her eyes were very cold. She continually calmed herself down, pulling herself together and restraining herself from killing him right now.     

"Your cultivation base should be the First Sky of the Spirit Realm." Shi Yan leisurely smiled and said. "This is the terrifying Realm. I only have the Earth Realm cultivation base. The gap between you and me are the Nirvana Realm and the Sky Realm. It should take an ordinary man hundreds of years to break through these two Realms. Most people cannot reach these two Realms in their entire life."     

Yu Rou was stunned, looking at Shi Yan with astonishment. "You are not stupid. You know the difference between us two, but you still dare to speak rubbish. Based on what?"     

"In fifty years maximum, I can surely reach the Spirit Ream." Shi Yan suddenly shouted. "In sixty years at most, I will surpass you."     

"Hahaha." Yu Rou abruptly burst into laughter till she cried. She pointed to Shi Yan with a mocking face. "Fifty years to reach the Spirit Realm, sixty years to surpass me! Hahaha, that is so funny. I have never seen any dreamy, arrogant man like you. Nowadays, are the guys in the outside world all short-sighted like you?"     

"No, it's not like that." Shi Yan shook his head. "Ordinary men do not even dare to come close to you, not to mention having guts to disgrace you regardless of being alive or dead."     

The mocking face of Yu Rou loosened. "Very good, you are more daring than the others indeed. But this doesn't mean anything."     

"I think an ordinary warrior at the Earth Realm would implode to dead when receiving one of your powerful strikes. Even a Nirvana Realm warrior hardly survive if being hit by that shot. However, I am still standing in front of you now."     

Yu Rou's beautiful eyes suddenly brightened. She had been convulsive by Shi Yan's weird behaviors and thus hadn't noticed that. However, when Shi Yan reminded her of that now, she realized that the fact that Shi Yan was still alive was a miraculous magic itself.     

She could completely believe in her strength and knew how tremendous the power of her ruthless strike was. Exactly as what Shi Yan had said, not to mention a warrior at the Earth Realm, even a Nirvana Realm warrior would be surely dead under her strike.     

Shi Yan, on the contrary, was still standing in front of her and boasting.     

"You are genuinely competent." Yu Rou had to admit it. "However, your crazy aspirations do not match with your current capabilities. If you were at the Spirit Realm now, I would have considered your proposal. Hmm!"     

Shi Yan had a little headache.     

He knew that in this devilish place, neither the Demonic Sound Clan nor the Wings Race had any good intentions for him. He did not believe in the previous promises that Di Shan and Yu Rou had made. He knew that right after he broke the Formation Technique, death surely awaited him.     

The reason that he had taken risks in disgracing and disturbing Yu Rou was his hope in leaving a special feeling in Yu Rou's heart. If Yu Rou had a little crush on him, his chances of survival would be a bit better. After having realized this experience with the beautiful lady who had never tasted such sexual affections, he was more confident in carrying on his plan. However, when having started his plan for real, he had realized that it was much difficult than he had thought. Regardless of how much he tried to convince her, she was still steady.     

"It is too difficult..."     

"Oh, you, your body..." Yu Rou suddenly covered her mouth and screamed out astonishingly. Her beautiful eyes beamed out a strange light as if she was witnessing a magical thing.     

Shi Yan bowed his head to see and realized the Immortal Martial Spirit was starting its efficiency. The healing speed of his wounds was fantastically remarkable.     

"Immortal God King! You are the descendant of the three God Kings from the Ancient time." The matriarch of the White Wings Clan was bewildered for a while before shouting out loud. Her eyes flickered, her beautiful face was in fear, and her lithe body slightly trembled.     

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