Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅸ)

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅸ)

0"It's the light!"     

Ding Dong has also been found.     

Vast wilderness, frequent magnetic storms, wireless communication is not reliable, cable communications, but also very easy to be monsters bite off, torn.     

Therefore, following the"Flag language" of maritime communication, the army and the people of the wasteland invented the"Light language". Through the different frequencies of flashing lights, when the spiritual and magnetic interference is serious and all kinds of communication methods fail, keep communication to a minimum.     

Ding Bell was born in the wilderness, of course, is no stranger to the"Language of the lamp.".     


The little girl was overjoyed. "Uncle Yang, let's Hurry!"     

"Wait, be careful!"     

Yang Yi frowned.     

He wasn't sure whether it was really a human or a monster trap.     

If it's really human, how dare you risk sending out a message of light in a city infested with monsters?     

However, the dull pain from the Zang-fu and the increasingly heavy limbs constantly remind Yang Yi that he has no means to delay any longer.     

The sound of rustling around him, and the shadowy shadows, were also telling him of the danger of detouring.     

They had no choice.     

All bets are off.     

"Go, as fast as you can, to where the lights are blinking!"     

Yang Yi and Ding Bell, like an arrow out of the bow.     

At first, it was indeed flat. There were no monsters among the Sleeper Cell ruins.     

But soon, Yang Yi's out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a black beetle, its triangular head poking out from behind the ruins.     


Yang Yi's heart sank into the abyss.     

It was another trap.     

Before this thought could be converted into a nervous reaction, a crystal bullet with an arc around it came with a loud bang and blew the black armor beetle's head off.     


Yang Yi can not believe to turn his head, looking at hundreds of meters away, gunshots reverberate, it seems dead dangerous building.     




Dangerous building deep, there is a sniper, is methodically opened fire for Yang Yi and ding bell escort.     

One bullet can only kill one monster.     

It is certainly not enough to face the monstrous tide that has taken over the city.     

However, the sniper's undisguised gunfire was enough to attract the attention of all the monsters around.     

A large number of monsters heard gunshots, crazy towards the dangerous building.     

Around Yang Yi and ding bell, suddenly empty up.     

"He --"     

Ding Jingdang grew up in the wilderness, after all. No matter how naive he was, he knew that in the ruins of a city where monsters and monsters were rampant, a hidden sniper fired recklessly. After he hit the target, he did not move immediately but kept firing, this is by no means a good idea.     

And any sniper, should not, do not understand such a simple truth.     

"He's creating opportunities for us."     

Yang Yi's eyes flickered. "That sniper looked down from above and saw us. He's using his life to attract the attention of the monsters. He's buying US time and creating a chance for us to escape!"     


Ding Bell opened his mouth, can not let go, can not believe.     


Yang Yi heavily pulled her a, "Don't let the Hero died in vain, don't let down his good intentions!"     

Ding Bell's brain a blank, Yang Yi dragged forward, all the way stumbling, rushed to the"Language" flashing below.     

At this time, only to hear behind a deafening loud sound.     

Looking back, but is the sniper hiding dangerous building, from the inside out, was a ball of high-speed expansion of the fireball engulfed.     

The whole dangerous building with densely covered with the outer wall of monsters, all collapsed down, turned into a burning tomb.     

"This way, this way!"     

Taking advantage of the rumble of the explosion and the sound of the collapse to attract the attention of more monsters, two people in front, someone whispered.     

The two men followed the sound to climb, found in front of the ruins of the wall, lying on a broken, even the turret are gone crystal chariot wreckage.     

Through the wreckage of the chariot, but there is something inside.     

Under the ruins, hiding a 35 meters long, winding, like cat ears like space.     

The two men were covered in bandages, soaked in blood, and the Union soldiers, wrapped in flames, were curled up inside.     

Two Union soldiers, both badly wounded.     

One of them had broken his right arm at the elbow, and his left leg had disappeared below the knee. His right leg had twisted abnormally in four or five places. It had swelled up into a fuchsia balloon, as if it would burst if he touched it lightly.     

It was as if he had been savagely chewed by the monster and escaped from the Tiger's mouth.     

The other man was pale, his bandaged abdomen bulging and Zang-fu, as if trying to squeeze out of a wound.     

What's more, his eyes were covered with thick gauze, and he couldn't see anything!     

Still, the one-armed Union army was clutching the Blaster.     

The blind federal army was also fumbling around to help their comrades reload their bullets. They also sharpened the saber engraved with the nine-star ascending dragon war emblem until it gleamed with a cold gleam and was extremely sharp.     

After listening to Yang Yi introduce the identity and mission, the two Union Army overjoyed.     

And they also bring Yang Yi and Ding Bell, a precious intelligence.     

Although in the fierce battle yesterday, the garrison in the city and the major sects of the cultivators, because they were caught off guard, outnumbered, formed a large number of troops were eliminated.     

Scattered among the ruins and burning ruins of the remaining soldiers, but did not give up resistance.     

Monsters in the night battle to the advantage, the remnants of the soldiers do not want to make unnecessary sacrifices, protecting the last survivors, hiding, waiting for the dawn.     

At dawn, as the magnetic interference weakened slightly, the orders from above were finally transmitted to the tactical crystal brains of the Union Army and cultivators in the city.     

It is known that there has been an animal tide in razor city.     

Three quick-reaction units of the Union Army, and a large number of cultivators from seven or eight sects within a thousand miles, were hurtling toward them.     

The advance force, consisting of three crystal battleships, will launch the first wave of attack at 9:30 A. M. Tien Yuan Standard Time, seize the mine technical school in Razor City, and set up a beachhead position for the arrival of the follow-up large force, create favorable conditions.     

The higher-ups also ordered the federal troops and cultivators who were still in the city to be drawn to the sky by the monsters once the battle started. They had to protect the survivors at all costs and move towards the mining technical school.     

This time the Beast Tide attacks, the scale is extremely big, very likely has the demon king to take charge.     

Razor city is in for a nasty fight.     

As a last resort, the union would have to resort to carpet bombing to solve the problem.     

If the survivors do not escape to the Technical School of mining in time, but stay in the white-hot battlefield, the danger level will increase 100 times.     

"Officer Yang, ahem, you've seen what we look like. We can only stay here. We really can't afford to escort everyone to the mining technical school."     

The Blind Union Army coughed and laughed miserably. "Originally, we were in such a hurry that we didn't know what to do. Fortunately, God sent you!"!     

"When the fighting starts, we'll be firing on all cylinders and covering your backs.     

"And these kids, I'm counting on you!"     

With that, the one-armed Union Army and the Blind Union Army struggled to remove their mutilated bodies.     

Yang Yi and ding bell this just discovered, two federal troops behind also have a hole that is not much bigger than a mouse hole.     

There were three trembling children curled up inside.     

The older ones are seven or eight years old, and the younger ones are only four or five years old.     

Not every child is as gifted as Ding Dong.     

The three children, all pale and trembling, were frightened.     

"We fought all the way, all the way back, and a lot of people died, including their parents, and they were the only ones left."     

"They don't deserve to die here. Take these chainsaw swords and Blasters, Please!"     

All eyes are on Yang Yi.     

As the only adult and even the only cultivator besides the two Union soldiers, Yang Yi's mouth was dry and his cheeks were hot.     

"I-I will!"     

He cleared his throat and said loudly, "Although my body is severely injured and my psionic power is depleted, as long as I have any breath left, I will safely escort these children to the school of Mining Technology!"     

Ding Jingdang looked at Yang Yi, who was younger than him and was trembling like a chicken in the cold wind. He also looked at the two wounded federal soldiers, who were like blood men.     

Her eyes reddened.     

If it was Ding Bell from yesterday, she would definitely cry. She would make a fuss and not be willing to leave. She would pester Yang Yi and ask him to think of a way to escape with the two federal soldiers.     

But today, Ding Jingdang felt that he had grown up, has at all costs, to complete the mission, can not be like a child as willful go on.     

"Uncle, is the sniper your partner? What's his name?"     

Ding Dang took a deep breath and tried not to let the tears escape from his eyes.     

She knew she could not prevent the deaths of two Union soldiers.     

Just as she could not stop just active exposure, attract monsters, saved their lives sniper.     

She just wanted to remember their names by heart.     

One day, avenge them!     

But the Blind Union soldiers shook their heads.     


"No, we don't know him, but we know each other's existence by a light far away at the crack of dawn.     

"Up ahead in the ruins, there are still many Union soldiers and practitioners, badly wounded and unable to move, just like us.     

"When the Thunder and magnetic interference weakened just now, they should also have received orders from their superiors to clarify their mission.     

"So, don't worry. When the battle starts, just run ahead boldly. No matter how dangerous it looks, someone will definitely stand up and protect you!"     

"Well, what about you?"     

Ding Jingdong gasped and asked loudly, "Uncle, what are your names? I want to remember your names!"     

Both Union soldiers laughed.     

They said their names.     

But just as they spoke, there was a deafening roar in the sky.     

It was as if the Tianhe River had burst its banks and thunder had poured down like a flood.     

Crash! Crash! Crash!     

The entire ruins, no, the whole city of razor are shaking, as if an earthquake or even volcanic eruption precursor!     

This is the crystal battleship, from the clouds all the way down, almost down to the ground flight, to stir up the momentum!     

It's half past nine in the morning.     

The first wave of human counter-offensive, the official start.     

Ding Jingdong tried to hear the names of the two Union soldiers clearly.     

But their names were drowned in the roar of the crystal battleship.     

Like the sniper.     

And from last night to this day, submerged in ruins and burning ruins, all the resistance and victims alike.     

They're all nobodies.     

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