Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Battle of the Kings of Assassins!

Battle of the Kings of Assassins!

0The dense forest flashed past like a scenery, the grass underfoot passed with a single leap, and the huge stones from the mountains were thrown far behind them. The further they traveled, the more desolate the land became and the more bleak it grew!     

It was already unclear how far they'd traveled. Under Jun Moxie's lead, three human-shaped figures shot forward like three straight lines through the half-cloud, half-mist snow storm; Dongfang Wenxin laid on Mei Xueyan's back, growing more and more shocked as time passed.     

This daughter-in-law of hers was truly incredible! Carrying a person on her back, she had ran at least several hundred kilometers! Furthermore, her speed hadn't decreased, and her breath was smooth and relaxed, as if it was effortless. Her speed was actually not any slower than that of the two fellows who were competing with each other; from the looks of it, she still had lots of energy in reserve and if she wanted to use her true ability, she could easily catch up to those two in front!     

She laid on her back, watching wide-eyed as the trees and mountains turned into mere shadows which passed beside them. This kind of neck-breaking speed actually did not create a single bit of wind in her face; there was completely no feeling of motion, as if she was sitting peacefully at home. If not for the worry in her heart for her son, she might have really fallen asleep…     

Looking at the level of Mystic cultivation of this daughter-in-law of hers, it had definitely reached a peak—an extremely profound and terrifying level! Compared to her son, she could only be stronger and not weaker! It's really a mystery how this son of hers attained such a level of courting girls… to actually manage to find such a beautiful girl well-versed in Mystic cultivation, with her character, demeanor, and grace all reaching such a high level and bringing her home… how remarkable.     

Dongfang Wenxin still didn't know that she had underestimated her son. This good daughter-in-law of hers, was the number one person of Heavenly Punishment, a leader of the current era; one of the heads of the Three Holy and One Ferocious Lands, an overlord of a generation!     

If she knew all this, Dongfang Wenxin would probably faint on the spot…     

Soon, a large diagonal valley appeared before Jun Moxie. Without any hesitation, he jumped into the valley.     

Chu Qihun followed directly after, his figure dropping down like a snowflake. When he landed, Jun Moxie was already standing before him, his eyes blazing coldly as he watched him.     

"Pretty good speed!"     

"Good skills!"     

Both people spoke at the same time. As they were praising the other, a hint of unwillingness could be heard in each other's tone. The two assassins knew in their hearts that this contest of speed had ended in a draw!     

Jun Moxie who had the advantage in moving first had not managed to throw Chu Qihun off his tail; the fiercely chasing Chu Qihun had also failed to catch up to Jun Moxie! As for their techniques, the two were also well matched!     

Mei Xueyan and Dongfang Wenxin arrived like a puff of smoke, landing dozens of feet away from the two. As Dongfang Wenxin had guessed, Mei Xueyan's movement technique was above this two. It was only because she did not want to disrupt this match of skill that she did not display her abilities to the fullest!     

Jun Moxie had already made known his stance on this matter! The first match would be a contest of speed and skill; at the same time, he was hinting to Mei Xueyan that he did not wish for the interference of anyone!     

Jun Moxie's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's as he smiled lightly. A cold-blooded cruel smile that had never appeared before hung on his handsome face. "Chu Qihun, let me see your close combat skills!"     

Chu Qihun stared calmly back in return. "I was about to seek your guidance!"     

Nobody made the first move as they stood opposite each other. But suddenly, as if they had moved at the same time; Chu Qihun rushed forward, a pair of iron fists suddenly bursting apart the snowflakes before him, its momentum seemingly unstoppable!     

Jun Moxie also moved forward to meet him with great speed. The two were like a pair of incoming trains, running into each other headfirst!     

In the final moment before the two made contact, their figures suddenly flashed strangely. Jun Moxie disappeared first, and at the same time, Chu Qihun also disappeared. This fierce battle ground was suddenly empty!     

But in the middle of the field, the sounds of violent punching and kicking could be heard. The snow on the ground flew up without reason. The sounds of the punches and kicks were practically counted by the hundreds per second. But, the bodies of the two people did not appear at all. They were tumbling in the air, formless and untraceable. However, the howling winds that approached the arena were instantly dispersed, and even the snowflakes were smashed apart and sent flying back!     

A thick snow roof had formed in mid-air above the two. This snow had been stopped from falling and slowly accumulated into a solid wall!     


With a loud sound, two white shadows appeared at the same time. With nearly the exact same speed, they blasted through the snow roof! And in the process of their exit, they were still attacking each other crazily!     

Every strike was aimed at their opponent's vital points. If any of the strikes landed on its mark, the opponent would at the very least turn into a cripple!     

Jun Moxie slapped out with his palm, wispy and illusory; halfway, the palm turned into a claw which tore ruthlessly towards Chu Qihun's throat. Chu Qihun raised his right shoulder, blocking before his throat. His left hand shot out with a speed akin to lightning, punching towards Jun Moxie's temple. Jun Moxie slanted his head, and his leg kicked out three times soundlessly. Their targets were Chu Qihun's Zhongji, Sanyuan and Dantian, the three great acupoints! As long as any one of them landed, Chu Qihun would instantly lose his life!     

At the same time, Jun Moxie's first palm smashed into Chu Qihun's elbow; following that, three long sounds rang out, and the two somersaulted through the air and landed firmly on the ground!     

It turned out that Jun Moxie's three kicks just happened to kick into Chu Qihun's own three sneaky kicks!     

Chu Qihun could not help to sigh with praise in his heart. He had a wealth of experience as an assassin for close to a hundred years. After every job, he would always think hard and long about how to improve his techniques and style. Yet, he was still unable to gain any advantage over this kid!     

The battle was not over yet. In fact, it had only just begun!     

Jun Moxie had only just stabilized his step when his body swayed and he turned into a gust of wind. Chu Qihun snorted coldly; this time, he did not use any movement techniques. Instead, he began to spin rapidly on the spot like a top. His hands and legs were like the arms of the Thousand Hands Guanyin, covering his entire body so rapidly that they looked like numerous layers of blossoming lotus flowers, protecting him and counter-attacking with full strength!     

A turbulent wind was stirred up around Chu Qihun, wrapping him in a small tornado. Numerous streams of Qi blasted out of the tornado, launching attacks in all directions continuously, including the top and bottom!     

The tornado drew in all the snow in the area, pulling it in until it became a thick white pillar of snow dragon, dashing madly through the nine heavens!     

Peng peng peng…     

A series of heavy impacts rang out, along with the sounds of loud explosions!     

Finally, a muffled snort!     

The snow pillar suddenly disintegrated, and Jun Moxie's body appeared. Chu Qihun, who was standing opposite him, took three steps back, and his shirt was torn apart. A clear palm print surfaced slowly on his chest, and two deafening sounds rang out behind him. Two palm shaped pieces of cloth dropped from his robes. Chu Qihun grunted coldly, sucked in a breath of air and suddenly roared, "You'll take a strike from me as well!" His body rose up and he suddenly disappeared in mid-air.     

This time, it was Jun Moxie's turn to defend! Jun Moxie did the same thing as Chu Qihun earlier, he did not use his movement technique to disappear, and instead began to step around rapidly. His two legs constantly changed his position with extreme speed, and his body suddenly rose and fell. When his body rushed up, it reached a height of hundred feet, but when he landed, it was only the size of a midget. The continuous banging sounded like the wind blowing on lotus leaves and rain beating down on banana leaves! Clustered and endless!     

Finally, with a light hei sound, Jun Moxie's body suddenly slid out seventy feet as if he had stepped on a water slide! At the same time, Chu Qihun appeared on his original spot, his eyes revealing a trace of disappointment.     

Two almost indiscernible sounds rang out lightly. A palm print had appeared on Jun Moxie's left shoulder, and two faint pieces of fabric could be seen on his calves…     

Chu Qihun's two strongest strikes had forced Jun Moxie to jump hundred feet into the sky! Because of that, the two strikes that were supposed to land on his back were smashed onto his calves…     

"The match of close combat has been lost by me." Chu Qihun seemed somewhat depressed. But he lifted his head nevertheless. Although one could see the disappointment in his face, there was no regret in his eyes. His eyes were still blazing with battle intent, but yet, it was still as cold and calm as ice!     

"You let me win, but this was a narrow victory," Jun Moxie's face was also somewhat ugly. He had used the Eight Trigrams Swimming Body Palm, Shaolin Dragon Subduing Hand, 18 Arhat Hands, and even the Tan Kick, Hung Ga, and the Long Fist style, switching between a total of 37 martial styles, to barely block Chu Qihun's storm-like attacks!     

In the end, both sides received three palm strikes each. But Chu Qihun had been hit on his front chest, and his back; all fatal positions! Whereas Jun Moxie had been hit on his shoulder and his calves! With a single glance, Jun Moxie had unquestionably taken the advantage, and his victory was obvious!     

In a real life and death fight, Chu Qihun would have died without a doubt, but Jun Moxie would also be heavily injured and maimed! Although being crippled was better off than being dead, it was still not a complete victory. Thus, when Jun Moxie said that it had been a "narrow victory," it was truly a sentiment from his heart!     

Of course, if it was a real life or death battle, as long as Jun Moxie used his Yin Yang Escape art, or his Power of the Five Elements, he could have obtained victory with ease. But this fight concerned the title of the "King of Assassins." Therefore, Jun Moxie wanted to rely on his own skills, and beat Chu Qihun convincingly! Otherwise, he wouldn't understand why he lost even if he lost, and this proud Supreme Assassin would never be appeased even in death!     


Chu Qihun raised his hand, and Autumn Dew Invincible Sword appeared in his hand with a dreamy light shining on it. The edge of the blade seemed to be flowing with sharpness, and the entire sky of snow merged with his figure into a perfect dream-like scenery!     

"Victory or defeat will be decided with this battle! The winner lives, and the loser shall die!" Chu Qihun said coldly as a keen gleam shone in his eyes.     

"If that's so, you will lose without a doubt!" Jun Moxie smiled and stretched out his palm. With a soft clang, a bright, clear, and resonant keen rang out! An unparalleled sword Qi rushed upwards into the sky, appearing abruptly in Jun Moxie's hand. The handle of the long sword sat quietly in his hand!     

The sword's blade was silvery bright and exceptionally brilliant. A faint scarlet light reflected from its surface. The sword's Qi flickered erratically, and an inexplicable aura surged from it, dignified and lofty! The target of this aura was unexpectedly, not Chu Qihun, but the Autumn Dew Invincible Sword in his hand!     

This situation was like an emperor who went out for a stroll and happened to meet his subordinate official! The arrogance of the emperor was so deep that it radiated from his very bones. Even if he cast a casual glance at someone, that person would feel an invisible pressure!     

This was a Divine Sword! Blood of Yellow Flame! And right now, the aura it was emanating was an innate suppression from an emperor among swords!     

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