Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Talking Big

Talking Big

0Jun Moxie frowned thoughtfully when he recalled the incident at the Huang Hua hall the other day, and the massacre that he had staged.     

In his previous life, Jun Moxie was unstoppable because of his superior skill set. But in this world, Jun Moxie's current skills sets and strength weren't enough to be the best.     

The Mystic Qi cultivation system of this world, ranging from the first nine levels to Silver Mystic and all the way to Spirit Mystic were all very clearly labelled out, and very distinctly organized. However, 'the art of unlocking the Heaven's' was a very unique and mysterious ability, and seemed somewhat weird when compared to the general Mystic Qi cultivations standards; in fact, it felt wrong.     

According to what Jun Moxie could make out, if this mysterious ability was as good as he was assessing it to be, then there was no need to go through all the pains and hardships that a martial artist takes to become a Mystic expert, and still ends up being a meagre Silver or Gold Mystic. After all said and done, even a Silver Mystic expert, in fact even a Silver Mystic Peak expert was nothing in front of Jun Moxie since he could kill the man with a snap of his fingers!     

If the first layer of the Hongjun Pagoda was able to give him so much power, then at this rate of progress, assessing Jun Moxie's strength after unlocking the second layer would be astronomical? How strong would he become then?     

With these thoughts in mind, Jun Moxie was beginning to realize that he needed to find out more about this world. After all said and done, this world was completely different from the one he originally hailed from.     

Grandpa Jun wasn't home, so Jun Moxie called out two guards on his own authority and ordered them to accompany him outside. After all, he was going out for a meeting with the second prince, and if the other party had any malicious intentions, then it was important for Jun Moxie to appear well defended since walking in alone would be inviting danger.     

Guan Qinghan was a little late to arrive at Grandpa Jun's chambers and saw that Jun Moxie was already on his way out at. She immediately turned around and rushed to find Jun Wuyi; still angry at Jun Moxie.     

Jun Wuyi was about to give out his first order as the master of the house; he would be sending out his most reliable soldier after the girls and boys who had escaped from the Huang Hua Hall. But instead of giving his first command as the master of the house, and relishing the power of his position, Jun Wuyi was sitting in his wheelchair and was pondering over his nephew's words. Previously, on the way back from the Huang Hua Hall, Jun Moxie had demonstrated superb hiding and anti-tracking skills, which gave an indication that he had achieved this expertise after a serious amount of training and experience. After returning to the Jun residence, Jun Wuyi had been trying to recall Jun Moxie's words, actions, movements, and each time he'd replay the memories in his head, he'd realize that he had missed something the last time around!     

Later, Jun Moxie had said: 'My practice is in my instinct. I do not deliberate to practice, but I still practice all the time.' This one phrase had been lingering inside Jun Wuyi's head ever since, and he hadn't been able to get it out of his head.     

This phrase was quite reasonable; in fact, it was a very simple fact! If practice was ingrained into a person's instinct, then why would the person need to do it on purpose? But could this ever be done, and what kind of result was possible? But then again, Jun Wuyi had personally seen Jun Moxie in action, and was aware that Jun Moxie's expertise and skill set was far superior to any man he had ever known!     

Even though Jun Moxie was still just a youngster, his achievements in the realm of martial arts were already worthy of being turned into an immortal folklore!     

Jun Wuyi's face was carrying a grave expression: [Since Moxie can do it, then why can't I? Am I that useless?] Simultaneously, Jun Wuyi also knew that he if he wanted Han Yanyao's family to acknowledge their mutual affection, then he'd need to adapt Jun Moxie's style of training; in fact, this was his best hope!     

Jun Wuyi's mind was completely muddled with such thoughts, but he hadn't realized that this one idea would take him on the path of greatness!     

Although, this moment was just the beginning…     

Jun Moxie was able to do this type of practice since he had been trained in this fashion in his previous incarnation, and 'the art of unlocking the heaven's' was a little different from Mystic Qi. Qi and blood flowed through his meridians together; as a fusion. On top of that, the Hongjun Pagoda continuously emitted Qi to help him support his practice, which was quite difficult to achieve for ordinary practitioners.     

But Jun Wuyi was unaware of this truth and believed that it wasn't impossible to achieve it since Jun Moxie was already doing it! In this world, although energy and Qi were similar in functionality, their inherent nature was quite different. Circulating Mystic Qi was a difficult and dangerous task, and the effects of negligence could be very violent, and even lethal. So much so, that if Mystic Qi was allowed to run harmoniously with natural functions of the body, then there was even a chance that the body might end up getting possessed, and the practitioner may end up suffering a very tragic end. This was the reason that practitioners were so prudent and cautious while conducting their practice, and made sure that they weren't being disturbed by outside elements during their practice.     

However, Jun Wuyi was already considering going against this norm, which could be considered as a major change in ideology!     

In fact, just by daring to take on this task, he had already won half the battle!     

Sounds of quick and crashing footsteps fell onto Jun Wuyi's ears, and he could tell by the sound of the footsteps, that the owner of the feet was in an enraged state.     

"Qinghan? What are you so angry, what happened?!" Jun Wuyi tried to guess the identity of the person.     

"Uncle, Jun Moxie…. that little brat is getting out of hand now. Today, he boldly told me that he is going out to visit the Spirit Fog Lake's Ni Cheng Pavilion!" Guan Qinghan roared angrily. This anger was obviously directed at Jun Moxie, since Guan Qinghan sincerely respected both the elders of the family; namely Jun Zhantian and Jun Wuyi, even if the latter was a physically disabled cripple.     

"What about it?" Jun Wuyi wasn't even a least bit surprised.     

"Ah? What about it?! This isn't a small matter ah, he had just started walking on the right path, and now he's going back to his old ways, and?" Guan Qinghan was still raging with fury.     

"Oh, that's something that I know about; I allowed him to go." Jun Wuyi was finally waking up from his personal thoughts, and hence replied in a soft voice.     

"Even you knew about this? But you still allowed him to go there? You…." Guan Qinghan's eyes widened in shock, and suddenly she was eyeing Jun Wuyi in rather confused manner, unable to understand his reply.     

"Qinghan, you are mistaken. The second prince invited him for a talk, and as chance has it, the prince requested that the meeting be held in the Spirit Fog Lake's Ni Cheng pavilion." Jun Wuyi smiled warmly: "Qinghan…. Moxie has actually become very sensible now."     

"Sensible…" Guan Qinghan was somewhat dumbstruck. After all the years of watching Jun Moxie undertaking all kinds of nefarious tasks, which were an indignation to all civilized laws under the heavens, it was hard for her to interpret that Jun Wuyi could call that debauchee 'very sensible'!     

"I suppose I was mistaken, but I understand now…." still muddled, Guan Qinghan whispered, sighed and turned away: "It turns out that I have a lot to catch up to…."     

"Yes, there have been a lot of changes, and you'll naturally need to bring yourself up to speed." Jun Wuyi stated lightly as she was leaving, and he once again immersed himself in his new form of practice.     

Guan Qinghan's footsteps paused for a moment, but then she continued to walk.     

Jun Wuyi sighed and whispered: "Uncle Pang, please come in."     

Lao Pang quickly came in and stationed himself in front of Jun Wuyi.     

"Uncle Pang, I have a task that requires your assistance." Jun Wuyi rubbed his face with both his hands, and it seemed like he was having a hard time in making the final decision.     

"What is it? Please give me your command third master." Lao Pang's face was solemn. This was going to Jun Wuyi's first command as the head of the family, and no matter what, Lao Pang would want to execute it to perfection.     

"There was news from the ministry offices that a large group of disabled children have escaped from the …. Huang Hua Hall. Pitiful!" Jun Wuyi had finally made up his mind: "You please investigate how many of them are alive, and use the family's resources to help them set themselves up for a better future… they are still just kids."     

"Yes, I'll get to it." Lao Pang finished and turned around to leave.     

"If you can do this secretively, then do not expose your identity. If you face any obstruction, then please reveal that it was done upon my orders." Jun Wuyi looked up, and his eyes reveal a hint of sharpness.     

~ Ni Cheng Pavilion~     

The huge third floor of the building was almost empty, and only a very few people were leisurely sitting there, dressed in graceful attires. Accomplished scholars, middle-aged business men, some youngsters… even if their clothes weren't expensive, their actions were enough to reveal that they all belonged to high-class social backgrounds.     

"Er Ye, Jun Moxie is nothing but a debauchee and a spendthrift. Er ye, there was no need for you to personally come and greet that boy face-to-face; but now that Er Ye is present to grace him, that kid will start talking big."     

The speaker was approximately twenty years old by the looks of it, and looked rather pale. His body was extremely thin, and his hands were leisurely swaying a hand fan. Even though his identity was unknown, it was obvious from his body language that this person belonged to an influential family.     

"Brother Er Ye, there is no need to meet Jun Moxie face to face; as younger brother just stated, Jun Moxie is nothing more than a debauchee and a spendthrift, and completely incompetent otherwise. As for the other aspects, he is completely useless and is of no value to us. But yes, he does have a powerful family behind him, so we should rather focus on the elders, like Jun Zhantian maybe." The speaker was in his fifties or sixties by the looks of it, and spoke his words in a slow pace.     

"Even Jun Zhantian is no good; what is he really?" the 'younger brother' chuckled in disagreement: "Although Jun Zhantian occupies a high position, in terms of Mystic Qi levels, he just a Heaven Mystic expert, at best; that's it. If you wished to send him to the heavens, then I could request my father, and he could swat him aside like a fly!"     

This remark made the second prince sit upright in his chair, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.     

His frowned and replied in an angry tone: "Just a Heaven Mystic, that's it?!! Even if you tear apart this country, how many Heaven Mystic experts will you find? Although you are lucky to be borne into a large family, which has a lot of advanced Mystic experts, after all said and done, the Jiang Hu Family's strength is nothing compared to the military might of the Jun Family. Perhaps if you had considered that, then you would have known that Jun Zhantian could swat your father aside like a fly if he wished it!"     

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