Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Turtledove Takes-over the Magpie’s Nest

Turtledove Takes-over the Magpie’s Nest

0[This little girl's acting is excellent. But, how can this Young Master be convinced by it? She'll undergo a complete transformation the very next moment, and then she'll become extremely bossy and domineering.]     

[How could someone see a demon and still not fear of anything sinister?] Jun Moxie was obliged to ask this of himself since he had experienced her transformations before. [It would be very unreasonable if I were to get fooled again!]     

"Tell me, do you still wish to send Elder Sister and me back to the Capital?" Dugu Xiaoyi opened her round eyes wide. They were pretty and big. Those round eyes were quite moving as well. However, they had begun to threaten, and their speed of change towards hostility had started to increase.     

"My two sisters… your presence will only cause more problems. Tell me, what can you to do here? What are you capable of doing here? Would the two of you dare if it's required that you kill someone?"     

Then, Jun Moxie sneered in disdain, "I'm telling you… obediently return. We're done with this topic. Otherwise, don't blame me if I pack-you-up like rice balls and send you back! And, don't ever think that I can't do it! However, you two will lose face if that were to happen!"     

"How dare you?!" the little girl rebuked and bared her white teeth. They were very prominent.     

"Let it be Xiaoyi; there's no need to request him. This man doesn't have any sympathy in his heart," Guan Qinghan spoke unenthusiastically as she remained standing on her spot. She expressionlessly looked at Jun Moxie even though she was addressing Dugu Xiaoyi, "We'll go without him. Haven't we already travelled hundreds-of-kilometers till here by ourselves? Do we not have legs of our own? Can't we make it to Heavenly Punishment forest on our own?"     

"Exactly! What are you acting so pretentious for? We'll go on our own!" Dugu Xiaoyi raised her small chin, "Aren't you just a deputy general? My family has better! Humph! I've come across many great generals. But, even they aren't as arrogant as you!"     

The two women turned and started to leave after they had ridiculed him. Jun Moxie was genuinely a bit anxious to see this happen. [I won't be able to avoid the tongue lashing if I let these two go to Heavenly Punishment alone… even if they reach there safely. My grandpa, Third Uncle, Grandpa Dugu and Dugu Wudi… it's unlikely that any one of them will let me off.] Jun Moxie could even guess their words, "You let these delicate women leave? You were at ease with the thought of these delicate girls travelling to the remote Heavenly Punishment alone? What would you have done if something bad had happened? Nothing happened, but that isn't the point!"     

"Stop! Get them for me!" Jun Moxie gnashed his teeth and gave the command. Seven-to-eight Spirit Devourer Team's members quickly set into action. They ruthlessly rushed forward, and blocked the two women's path like iron towers. Then, Jun Moxie groaned and spoke, "You two better be obedient towards my commands! Things will go good for you only as long as you're obedient! Humph! Otherwise…"     

Jun Moxie stopped after he had spoken that. [Isn't this akin to a strong and evil robber threatening a common woman?]     

"Jun Moxie, I insist on going to Heavenly Punishment. But, if you use force to compel me to stay behind… I promise that I will kill myself right here! I—Guan Qinghan—will kill myself in front of you! Do you think that I won't dare to do it?" Guan Qinghan's expression was complex. But, she quickly drew a glittering dagger, and brought it to her throat.     

[Jun Moxie, the only reason I insist on going to Heavenly Punishment… is for yours and Third Uncle's sake. I don't worry about you two that much. But, I worry that the Xue Hun Manor will make things difficult for you because of me. Why else would I travel so far to that remote Heavenly Punishment Forest with you? Do you think that I'm the type of girl who doesn't understand the severity of this matter?]     

[You will disregard life and death for my sake. And, you wish to protect my innocence in spite of everything. Do you believe that I, Guan Qinghan, am a woman who forgets favors and does nothing while she sees you walk into the tiger's den?]     

[Do you think that only men can commit suicide in righteousness and we women can only drift along and live without purpose? It's alright if things go smoothly in Heavenly Punishment. But, if… then what will this Guan Qinghan do with her miserly life?]     

Dugu Xiaoyi hadn't turned to take a look at her companion. However, she figured that Guan Qinghan's maneuver was seemingly useful. So, she became arrogant, and spoke with an air of complacency, "Right! We'll commit suicide if you don't let us go to Heavenly Punishment! Do you think that we don't do it? Humph… he he…"     

She had never seen anyone who was about to kill themselves behave with such pride. Guan Qinghan's words were very impassioned. However, the little girl had only laughed out since she hadn't understood this at first. She then turned around to look at her companion, and was left speechless upon realizing her resolve…     

Jun Moxie felt a severe headache. It seemed as if there was a conflict inside his head.     

Perhaps Dugu Xiaoyi wished to watch the world burn in chaos. However, Guan Qinghan's expression was very tranquil and calm. He could tell that she would actually proceed with her threat! He realized that he'd have to deal with her corpse if he didn't allow her to leave for Heavenly Punishment.     

[I can't gamble on this. I can't even dare to gamble on this!]     

"You win!" Jun Moxie fixed an unwavering gaze at Young Lady Guan. Then, he sighed with regret. Young Master Jun was confident that he could've done something to salvage that situation if it were only the little girl. [However, my Elder Sister-in-law has too much of an individuality. I can't afford to provoke her!] Young Master Jun felt sullen in his heart. He had seemingly never felt this sullen in either of his lives. He then spoke with regret and hate, "Give them two horses. They will travel on horses!"     

"That's all the same to me…" Guan Qinghan narrowed her wonderful eyes and looked down. Then, she finally smiled. She had only asked to travel to Heavenly Punishment. She was indifferent to the treatment she'd receive. Moreover, it was quite clear that Jun Moxie had taken a great risk by allowing them to accompany him. The military doctrines forbid the soldiers to travel along with a female to battle. It was a taboo in the military since there would be threats to their life at every turn.     

"We must travel by carriage!" The little girl was young and inexperienced. So, she didn't realize any of this. She was happy to hear that the Young Master Jun had finally relented, and had allowed them to travel with him. However, she looked at him pouting-and-panting with rage when she heard the Young Master hadn't invited them to get inside his carriage, and had instead proposed to arrange two horses for them. Then, she looked at his beautiful carriage again, and started to feel tired. Her spine, her hip… there wasn't a single part of her body which didn't ache at the sight of the luxurious carriage.     

"Impossible! I'm allowing you to come with us, and that should be good enough for the two of you. Yet, you unexpectedly wish to travel inside the carriage?" Jun Moxie snorted disdainfully. "I would love it if you don't like to travel like this… I can arrange for my men to drop you back if you don't wish to travel like this. C'mon men! Get the horses!"     

"You, you… alright!" Dugu Xiaoyi was flustered as she pointed at him. Her eyes turned, and she quickly took out her dagger. She placed it across her neck. "You, you… I will kill myself in front of you if you don't let me travel inside the carriage! Do you think that I won't dare to?!"     

The little girl had seen Guan Qinghan extort the other party with a death threat. So, she had acted decisively and imitated the same. And, the little girl had added to the momentum of that act in order to make the result more effective. This was an extremely effective trick. So, how could she not use it?     

[I won't fear using a good and useful trick again. It's very useful!]     

Who would've thought that this little girl would say, "Do you think that I won't dare?" So, there was a burst of chuckles as soon as those words left her mouth since the surrounding soldiers were trying hard to restrain their urge to laugh. The shoulders of those grim and unfeeling warriors shook vigorously. It was clear indication that they were genuinely having a tough time in restraining their laughter.     

One really could not blame them. That little girl's qualities were too lacking for something like this. In fact, even an individual playing 'clown' wasn't as amusing. Guan Qinghan had also threatened to kill herself. But, her threat was very believable. Then, Dugu Xiaoyi had imitated her. Moreover, she had done so right after. But, it was nothing like what the former had spoken. Moreover, her excuse to commit suicide was a bit too excessive. She would kill herself if she wasn't allowed to ride in the carriage?     

Jun Moxie rolled his eyes, "Do as you please. But, I sincerely request you to go a bit far and die. Kindly don't disturb our eyes and hearts. I genuinely request you. This request isn't excessive, right?"     

Sister, if you feel like threatening people with killing yourself… at least pick a proper reason to die for… Otherwise, won't it become too unfavorable if we all started to threaten each other for useless reasons? I'll die if you don't let me in. I'll die if you don't let me eat. I'll die if you don't let me hit you… what is all this?     

"You… you're just too hateful!" Dugu Xiaoyi stamped her feet. Then, she steamed towards the carriage without saying a word, lifted the curtains, and entered it. And, she didn't come out. Then, she shouted from inside the carriage, "Elder Sister Qinghan, hurry up and come here! It's quite spacious inside! And, there's a comfortable bed too… he he…"     

This move had been the most practical one…     

Young Master Jun became furious.     

[This is intolerable! Where will I go if you're in there? This Young Master had captured that corrupt official with such difficulty… only then was I able to extort a carriage from him! So much of thought had gone into it! Does it look that easy to you? Are you genuinely going to plunder the results of my efforts? Humph!]     

Jun Moxie took a huge step forward and grabbed Dugu Xiaoyi's arm, "You, come down!"     

"… Won't get down! I won't get down! I will travel in this carriage!" Dugu Xiaoyi used her other hand to get a hold on the inner walls of the carriage. She had decided to struggle furiously. Her face had become red. However, she had decided that she wouldn't let go for the life of her.     

A white shadow flashed. Then, an elegant fragrance floated past. Guan Qinghand had also managed to get inside the carriage. She then swatted at Jun Moxie's hand and retorted, "Fighting with a woman over a carriage! Is this what a Young Master from a good family does?"     

Jun Moxie angrily said, "What? I'm fighting over a carriage? What are you saying? It's evident that you women are fighting over my carriage! Do you think that this Young Master will suffer in silence? You both are merely twisting words to force logic! Isn't this extremely unreasonable?"     

Guan Qinghan no longer humored Jun Moxie. She reached for the carriage's curtains, and pulled them down. Then, there was a 'rustling' sound. It seemed that the two women had lain down on the bed. It seemed that they had even changed their clothes, and were about to go off to sleep. One could even hear Dugu Xiaoyi's satisfied voice, "This is very comfortable! We can finally go to bed in comfort…"     

Jun Moxie puffed his chest, and bawled at himself for his stupidity. [I was trying to put facts in front of women… I was trying to preach logic to women… wasn't that utterly idiotic? But, I can't get them out since my Sister-in-law had also stepped into the carriage… no matter how unruly I get. I'll have to stay out here no matter how reluctant I am to this idea…]     

The troops continued to move forward. They had been moving for half-a-day when Jun Moxie suddenly started to tremble. His horse was extremely big and powerful, but it wasn't as comfortable as the carriage. He then hatefully turned his head to look at it. Then, he frowned and started to plan something mischievous.     

Jun Moxie let out a blood-curdling screech the next moment. He tilted on his horse, and went down. He fell onto the ground with a 'squishy' sound. His eyes were closed, and he had seemingly become unconscious.     

The soldiers were alarmed at first. However, they were no fools; they clearly understood what was happening. So, they played along, "Not good! Young Master has fainted! His injury isn't in a good condition… that sounds!" they called out in a tragic voice.     

[The injury isn't in good condition?]     

The 'fainted' Jun Moxie was astonished. [When did I get injured? Ahem… but this is reasonable… I must praise and reward these guys the first opportunity I get…] Then, he winked at them.     

"What's the matter?" Dugu Xiaoyi lifted the carriage's curtains and asked. She seemed deeply concerned, while Guan Qinghan only looked at the 'fainted' Jun Moxie in a pensive manner.     

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