Release That Witch

The Formal Talks

The Formal Talks

0After Tilly left the office, Roland let out a long sigh.     

Obviously, talking nonsense in a serious way in front of a smart person was a very stressful thing, especially when he had to maintain an earnest and sincere expression throughout. Fortunately, Nightingale's report gave him a timely respite—Sleeping Island witches had returned to the castle, and Roland used it as an excuse to end the conversation that just past.     

"How was talking to your witch younger sister? Was there a special feeling?" Nightingale turned and sat on to the table, from where she looked down on the prince.     

The latter replied sulkily with a contemptuous look in his eyes. "Is feeling heavily pressured considered a special feeling?"     

"I'd thought it would be an emotional reunion." She curled her lips.     

"I don't have a good relationship with her." Roland sighed. "In the palace, I used to bully her often. After growing up, we became like strangers. It's an unexpected delight to me that she even came."     

"Oh?" She gave him a meaningful look. "You wouldn't talk alone to witches you aren't familiar with. I can see that you trust her a fair bit."     

"That's because I don't want you to see me lying." Without replying, Roland refilled his teacup and took a sip as he leaned back on his chair.     

"Anyhow... you'll understand next time."     

Nightingale reached out her hand and touched his lips. "You'll tell me everything, right?"     

"... Yeah."     

"I'll remember this promise." She laughed softly and then vanished right in front of Roland.     

While leaning back on his chair, Roland recalled the entire conversation and searched for possible slips. He had given the "most suitable" explanation he could think of. From his many years of work experience, he knew that the more lies he fabricated, the more his words would not stand up to close scrutiny. Therefore, explanations such as deliberately hiding his good side during childhood, accidentally discovering ancient books of wisdom, or receiving guidance from a secret teacher would be difficult to justify upon further questioning. Apart from being his younger sister, Tilly was also the leader of a witches' organization. Before a stable alliance was forged between them, any debunked lie would have severely compromised the mutual trust.     

Thus, he decided to tell the truth regarding the details which were likely to be debunked. He then attributed his new knowledge to a memory that came from nowhere. Although this sounded very unbelievable, it was still more plausible than time travel. It also did not have too many negative effects, and was impossible to falsify. It would most certainly be harder for her to accept a completely unknown visitor from a different age.     

As long as he continued to maintain his identity as Prince Roland of the Kingdom of Graycastle, nobody could disclaim who he was. Furthermore, all that Tilly wanted could have been to hear him personally explain his changes. Roland knew that an excellent leader would not keep holding on to the past, and would instead focus on working together to make progress. In the coming winter, he would be able to show her the Western Region's vast prospects. Even if his sincerity to cooperate was only shown in one successful meeting, there would be a huge amount of time in the future to repair their mutual relationship.     

At night, a grand banquet was held in the castle hall.     

Aside from the common dishes such as pepper steak, fried eggs and white bread, there were also white liquor of all types, pan-fried bird beak mushrooms, small dumplings, ice-cream and many more on offer. The taste of these cuisines was brought to an entirely new level. Every dish also incorporated the concept of fancy platter. For example, on a large porcelain plate would be placed a small main course covered in sauce. This had an excellent visual effect which made the dish highly tempting to anyone who saw it.     

After a flurry of toasts was exchanged, the banquet ended in a harmonious yet lively atmosphere.     

The formal talks were next to take place.     

The fireplace blazed in the parlor. Roland sat together with the members of the Witch Union on one side of the long table, while Tilly and the Sleeping Island witches sat opposite them. As Maggie's identity was sensitive, she morphed into a pigeon and perched on the chandelier hanging overhead.     

Tilly was the first to speak. "I came this time not only because I hope to help Border Town defend against the invasion of demonic beasts, but also because I intend to bring back with me the five witches I'd earlier sent." She explained the recent situation on Sleeping Island. "In the coming spring, Moon Bay will be moving a batch of commoners inland. The additional home rental and food costs will need to be settled by Lotus and Honey."     

Roland momentarily felt his head begin to hurt. He knew that the First Army would be able to defend against the demonic beasts on their own. Unless there were demonic hybrids, which were both agile and fast, he virtually did not need to send out witches. However, on the construction front, the witches' functions were irreplaceable. At present, the ridges near the harbor had yet to be opened, only half of the shipyard had been repaired, and there were a few more batches of cave dwellings he intended to build. "Will it be okay for them to stay for another half a month?"     

"I wish to agree, but the situation has had some changes." Tilly shook her head helplessly. "Mutated sea ghosts have appeared in the southern waters. You can see them as a type of demonic fish. I suspect that all of this has something to do with the Months of Demons. It's rumored that the longest these Months are, the more ferocious the demonic beasts will be. That's why it's safer if our witches made the journey back earlier."     

"They aren't suitable for combat."     

"I know. That's also why Breeze shall be escorting them on the ship. Her abilities are highly effective against low-intelligence enemies. Also, we don't intend to return by the same route we came, and instead, we'll first head north along the coastline until we reach Port of Clearwater, where we'll then follow the usual trading route towards Sleeping Island. According to the information delivered by the messenger birds, there has been no appearance of demonic beasts on the route between the Fjords and the kingdom."     

Roland was forced to make a last-ditch attempt. "Uh... apart from Lotus and Honey, may the other three remain? Their primary education is still ongoing, and if they leave now, they'll have to give it up halfway..."     

Tilly could not help laughing. "Seem like they've caught your fancy."     

"..." He did not know how to respond to these words for a while.     

"May I ask, how do you make use of Candle's and Evelyn's abilities?"     

"For welding metal parts and making wine. The former serves to greatly increase the efficiency of mechanical operations, while the latter..." Roland paused to frame his words better. "Wine is a fabulous thing. Aside from drinking, it also has many other uses."     

"When on Sleeping Island, they're always worried that their abilities are useless, and would often..." Tilly did not finish her sentence, but Roland could guess that it had to do with being discriminated against, just like Mystery Moon's experience in the Witch Cooperation Association. "I'm glad that you're willing to let them stay. I truly believe that every witch has her unique uses and that there're no useless abilities." She glanced towards Evelyn and the others. "What do you all think?"     

"I wish to follow you, Lady Tilly." Sylvie was first to reply.     

"I..." Candle touched her own head. "I'm fine with anywhere."     

"Lady Tilly, I'll return to Sleeping Island if you need me," Evelyn answered after pondering for a moment, "otherwise, I wish to remain in Border Town. I... have a lot more to learn from Teacher Scroll."     

"Don't be nervous. This isn't a question of staying or leaving." Tilly shook her head and laughed. "All I wanted to know was your living situation in Border Town. All of you may return to Sleeping Island at any time. It's also not as if Lotus and Honey won't have a chance to come back. I'm even thinking about inviting the Border Town witches to visit Sleeping Island. I hope that through our hard work, witches may one day freely live either in the Northern Region or the Southern Territory. Am I right, brother?"     

Roland was slightly surprised. This was the first time she had openly addressed him as such. Even from the former Prince Roland's memory, the last time was more than 10 years ago. He elicited a smile and nodded. "Yes, that day will come."     

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