Release That Witch

The Defensive Battle on the New City Wall

The Defensive Battle on the New City Wall

0The entire camp seemed to become astir when the bell rang.     

Van'er rushed out of his tent, followed the flow of people rushing towards the city wall, and took up his combat position. Since everyone had practiced the process countless times, they knew exactly what to do even without a commander around.     

Just like in last year's Months of Demons, only a small patrol was arranged to guard each section of the city wall in normal times. After all, scattered demonic beasts could be taken care of by two or three people. It was only when the lookout spotted a large-scale demonic attack that they immediately sounded the alarm.     

A group of shadows was approaching the city wall from the horizon. Van'er observed them and estimated the number to be about 1,000, thinking, "If this happened a year ago, we'll definitely have a tough battle to fight." In the past, he, as a pike man whose responsibility was to earn time for the Flintlock Squad to load their weapons, had to take turns with the reserve members in order to persevere until the end.     

But now, the forces of Border Town had undergone a massive change.     

Cat’s Claw removed the gun cover and shook off the snow on it. Meanwhile, Rodney checked the barrel of the field artillery, and after confirming it was clear of foreign objects, he began to load the ammunition. Although the new city wall was built of soil and concrete, it was higher and wider than the old one. Moreover, with a shelling platform set every 100 meters on the wall, its defensive fire was greatly improved.     

The city wall was rather wide, allowing four persons to walk side by side. During a battle, the Flintlock Squad was set in the first row and recruit loaders in the second; the latter was responsible for filling cartridges and then handing them over to regular soldiers in front of them.     

"Why can't they just leave us alone?" Rodney yawned and continued, "They frantically run over here during the "Months of the Demons" every year. Even if they managed to break into Border Town, they wouldn't benefit much, right?"     

"They serve as good practice for us," Nelson laughed and said. "In comparison, it's much more amusing to shoot moving demonic beasts than fixed wooden targets."     

"Speaking of shooting practice, I heard of an interesting rumor recently. It's something to do with our cannon squad," Jop said mysteriously.     

"What kind of rumor?"     

"I heard it from other mortar teams. They told me sharp shooters would be put in an Elite Artillery Squad and take on brand-new tasks," he paused and asked, "Does any of you know more about it?"     

"An Elite Artillery Squad?"     

"You have a nose for news. How do we possibly know more about it than you do?"     

"Maybe it was all made up by some raffish person."     

Van'er was the only one that remained silent in the mortar team. Hearing Jop's words, he couldn't help but frown, thinking, "How imprudent they are to gossip about this!"     

A week ago, Lord Iron Axe summoned and told him that His Highness planned to develop a new type of cannon, which was totally different from existing field artilleries and would not serve the First Army. Instead, they would be used to turn ordinary ships into warships with long-distance attack capability. Moreover, the best member of the artillery team would be chosen to operate the cannons. Anyone interested could apply to Iron Axe.     

Of course, Van'er agreed straight away since it was obviously a good opportunity for him to get promoted in the army. According to Iron Axe, His Highness had high expectations for the new unit, which might even be separated from the First Army and become a new army. Besides, if anyone managed to make great contributions, warships built in the future might be named after them.     

What an honor that would be! Van'er would feel content for the rest of his life if he could have a warship named after himself. Thinking back, although he was merely a common laborer in the mining area, he always believed he could make a name for himself. Unfortunately, he failed to save his own younger brother's life in the slum in Longsong Stronghold. But now, he didn't need to brag about anything as he could have decent meals and wear warm uniforms in the army. Additionally, every time he went back to his community, his neighbors would take the initiative to say hello to him.     

All these changes could be attributed to His Highness.     

Originally, he joined the Militia for an egg. Now it seemed to be the wisest decision he had ever made in his life.     

In addition, Iron Axe also asked Van'er to recommend candidates, who may submit their applications together with him. In other words, it was equally possible for these young men to get this opportunity to prove their true worth. However, in Van'er's eyes, they were too immature right now and thus it was better to wait until they grew more composed. Besides, if they actually rendered outstanding service, should the warships be named after them as Jop or Cat Claw? It would sound awful... Maybe Rodney and Nelson were better choices.     

As for the matter that some disclosed the news to their subordinates, Van'er thought he should report it to Iron Axe. After all, it was clearly set in the regulation training that any piece of news about the First Army must be kept only within the army. No one was allowed to spread it unless explicitly required by their leaders.     

"Stop gossiping. Focus all of your attention on the battlefield." Van'er cleared his throat and interrupted the discussion among the mortar team members. "Don't forget what Lord Iron Axe stressed in the class. Any mistake may lead to irreparable failures."     

"Yes!" They said in unison.     

As the destructive power of solid iron balls were too low, they didn't start shooting until the demonic beasts came within range. When fierce-looking demonic wolves crossed the 100-meter line, the shelling started.     

Heat waves rolled up the snow beneath the muzzles and big booms caused acute pains in Van'er's ears. In the distance, dark red blood suddenly splashed everywhere with groups of demonic beasts falling to the ground. Neither the fur of demonic boars nor that of bears could withstand the damage inflicted by iron balls in short distance.     

"Look at the beast over there." Cat’s Claw pointed to the front left. "It's a red-skinned demonic wolf!"     

A group of people swiftly moved the gun carriers, adjusted the muzzles to the right direction, and loaded them before firing again. Theoretically, it was unnecessary for them to aim at any target because as long as they fired, their shots would always cause heavy casualties among the enemy. On top of that, the new mud wall was higher than the old stone wall, so demonic wolves wouldn't pose a threat to soldiers on the top. Therefore, they targeted these agile demonic beasts first just to practice their shooting skills.     

Finally it was the Flintlock Squad's turn. In order to ensure high hit rate, they didn't shoot until demonic beasts were near the 50 meter line.     

Unlike the synchronized sounds of flintlocks, those of revolving rifles were dense and continuous. Wisps of white smoke rose from the top of the city wall. Stimulated by the pungent smoke of gunpowder, Van'er couldn't help sneezing.     

"Holy crap! Revolving rifles are less powerful, but they produce more smoke than any other weapons." Jop complained.     

"Yeah. Cannons decide who win the battle," Rodney agreed and added, "whether it is a war against knights or demonic beasts."     

At that moment, a short but sharp chime was sounded from the observation post. It was an early warning for spotting demonic hybrids.     

Van'er squinted forward only to see two huge shadows moving slowly in the smoke. Judging from their sizes, they should be Siege Beasts with thick shells.     

"What did I say just now?" Van'er grinned and said, "It's time for us to show what we can do now. Put in pointed ball ammunition."     

To deal with enemies with strong defensive ability like these, new shells developed by the arms plant can penetrate their shells within the range of about 200 meters. If the fight against demonic wolves was deemed as warm exercises, now the official shooting began.     

"Do your best," Van'er clapped his hands to draw everyone's attention and said, "Prove you're the best cannoneers to other teams."     


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