Release That Witch

The Assassins

The Assassins

0After Vader took off the old jacket full of patches and put on the brand new uniform, he could feel that his whole body was warmed up right away.     

Making of thick leather on the surface and a cotton lining, the uniform could both keep people warm because of the leather and comfortable. Only these materials used could cost up to a few silver royals.     

Although it was similar to the uniform of City Hall in design, it was very different in color—the shirt and pants were pure black with white striped lace at the shoulders, collar, and cuffs, looking extremely striking. Standing in a row in the new uniform, the 15 people could not help but hold their chest up higher than usual.     

"Not bad," said Carter with a smile of satisfaction, "Now, you follow me."     

Snow was still falling from the sky at that time. It was the first time ever that Vader saw the scene with non-stop snow since autumn. It occasionally snowed in Valencia, but it would normally cease within one or two days. Children were often found making snowmen or having snowballs fight on streets. That's why there was a saying that it was the Children Festival whenever it snowed. However, it was extremely inconvenient for the adults as snow would make their shoes wet and moldy, walk on the streets difficult, and business slack. Worst of all, occasionally some roofs collapsed under the pressure of heavy snow.     

The patrol platoon of Valencia would never go out in such weather. Instead, they would probably find a tavern to sit around the fireplace and flirt with the maids while drinking warm ale.     

However, it was completely different in Border Town.     

Every day, the streets were cleaned and the snow was swept to both sides of the streets, which was a long-term job offered by City Hall. Although the workers were low paid, they could make quick money since they could receive their wages daily or monthly.     

There were many townsfolk coming and going on the street. Wearing straw hats or in their cloaks, they were all busy with their own chores. It would be just like summer if all the snow in the town was removed.     

If it were not witnessed by himself, Vader would not have believed that a town on the border of the kingdom would seem busier than Valencia. If it were not because of the high rise church and bell tower in the town, it would make him wonder which big city he was in.     

Soon, the group of people arrived at the pier side. There were more than ten sailboats anchored in the Redwater River. The shore had gathered up to hundreds of people. This scene seemed to be quite familiar… Right, Vader remembered, it was the same scene as the time when he first arrived in this town with the others fleeing from Eastern Region.     

"Report! These people are…"     

"Refugees from Southern Border and Northern Land. To make sure they can get through the winter, His Highness sent people to summon them to Border Town. Your job is to help the City Hall maintain order, ask these people to queue up for customs check, and then quarantine as well as registration. Currently, the number of police officers is quite limited, so soldiers of the First Army will assist you. But in the future, you have to do this independently."     


It did not sound difficult for Vader for he once organized refugees to queue up for claiming of porridge. In order to let everyone nearby hear his commands and approach one by one, Vader walked towards the hurdle and yelled.     

"Your name? Where do you come from? Any expertise? Are you literate?"     

Every refugee who passed through the hurdle will be questioned by City Hall officers and their answers would be roughly recorded. Vader knew that these were just preliminary statistics. There would be further audits and verification after everyone settled down, and those with skills would have the priority to be transferred to the Inner City. He knew the process well because he personally experienced it once.     

Suddenly, he heard uproarious noises from his back. Vader turned around and saw a man in a long fluffy robe coming into the dock area under the protection of the guards. The flowing gray hair indicated his identity—His Royal Highness Roland Wimbledon, the local Lord. Standing beside him were a few finely dressed members who were probably leaders of the City Hall.     

Vader did not expect His Highness would come to visit the refugees in the snow storm. Few few great nobles were willing to leave their warm beds in the cold season, especially when servants could do everything for them.     

"My name is Mane. I'm from the Northern Land. And ... I am good at... good at farming. I can't read. "     

"Farming?" A City Hall officer ticked the corresponding checkbox on the record sheet and said, "OK, pass."     

Right at that moment, Vader noticed that the man quickly glanced at the direction where the prince was standing while passing through the checkpoint. There was little respect shown in his eyes, which was totally different from the normal civilians.     

"Hold on," he said subconsciously.     

"What... What's the matter?"     

"You're a farmer? When do you plant wheat in winter? "     

The City Hall officer also looked at him with an impatient look. "It's only a simple registration, and I don't have time to judge whether they're telling the truth. Hasn't His Excellency Carter told you the procedure? All you need to do is to help me maintain order."     

Hearing what he said, the man kept quiet immediately.     

What a fool!" Vader frowned and continued, ignoring what the officer said, "You don't speak like a northerner. You have the accent of the central part of the kingdom. Which town of the north do you come from? I'm very familiar with that area."     

Mane hesitated, yet he didn't answer the question.     

"Besides, if you dress like this in the northern area, you'll suffer from frostbite in fingers even if you manage to survive. As far as I know, it's below the freezing point throughout the year in the north." Vader grabbed his right hand and asked, "Where're your gloves? Don't tell me that you threw them away when you arrived at Border Town because you found it's warm here."     

Now the officer at the checkpoint also realized something was fishy. A refugee may lie about his expertise to get a better treatment, but lying about his hometown was obviously strange. "Where exactly are you from?"     

Grinding his tongue, Mane suddenly fished out a red pill out from his chest, stuffed it into his mouth and shouted. "Go away, you all!"     

Vader instantly felt Mane's wrist become boiling hot. He reflexively tried to pin Mane down onto the floor, only to find that Mane remained still even though he had exploited all his strength. After that, Mane swang his arm and Vader was flung far away.     

He fell heavily onto the ground and he could feel the burning pain on his back. "Damn, the wound's been ripped open." He spat, shook his dizzy head and got up, only to find Mane had long gone.     

Another four or five refugees sprang from the crowd. Their movements were as agile as the demonic beasts outside the city wall. They jumped over the temporary railings of the City Hall in a few steps and directly ran towards the prince.     

This group of people could not make their targets more obvious. They came to attack the high-level officials and the lord of Border Town.     

Considering the wierd strength of Mane, Vader could almost imagine the scene in which the prince's guards were torn into pieces on the spot, and even the prince himself might not be able to survive.     

However, none of those happened.     

He soon heard a series of noise just as the one he heard when soldiers on the walls were fighting the demonic beasts.     

White colored smoke floated in front of the prince.     

Blood splashed from Mane's head amidst the smoke.     

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