The Sinful Life of The Emperor

Special Trainer (Part II)

Special Trainer (Part II)



Suzane believed Kiba must be truly a good trainer seeing how excited Rubie was.

"Start with foam rolling," Kiba instructed. The women nodded and started their activities.

Kiba checked their posture and after making sure they were doing it correctly, he didn't say anything. The women then proceeded with another round of warmup, including some light jogging and stretching.

"Rubie, are you following the diet set by your nutritionist properly?" Kiba asked after the warmup completed.

"Yes!" Rubie answered. The fitness of a person depended on workout and diet. The absence of any factor would destroy the balance and result in lower performance.

Rubie wanted to be attractive so she gave special care to both her workout and diet. She only ate what her nutritionist recommended.

"What about you?" Kiba asked Suzane.

"Same," Suzane replied.

"That's good," Kiba nodded his head and said, "I'm glad to have such fitness enthusiasts. So let us start."

Both Suzane and Rubie has a different workout routine. Kiba didn't change that and he allowed them to proceed.


Rubie was carrying out squats when Kiba appeared behind her.

"Do it like this," Kiba placed his hands on her waist and corrected her posture as she squatted.

"Ah yes! Help me!" Rubie requested.

"Of course," Kiba squat along with her, his hands locked on her waist.

Suzane was on the bench, lifting lightweight dumbells over her head. When she completed her set, she turned towards her friend and was startled by what she saw.

Kiba was standing behind Rubie as she squatted. With every rise and fall, she would rub her ass on his crotch.

Sensing Suzane's gaze, Rubie corrected her posture. Suzane didn't say anything and went towards stability ball.

Rubie, on the other hand, sighed in relief.

"That was close!" Rubie whispered to him, "But then again you want her to notice, right?"

Kiba smiled and grabbed her ass cheeks. He lightly rubbed them in a circular motion.

"It has been so long!" Rubie closed her eyes as she enjoyed the fondling of her ass, "I want you inside me!"

"That would depend on your efforts," Kiba's right hand traced her back, "Help me to help her so that I can help you."

"Rest assured about that!" Rubie chewed on her lips as she felt his hand slipping towards her pussy, "You will get Suzane!"

"Good girl!" Kiba traced her pussy through the shorts, "You will be rewarded later!"

Kiba took back his hands and guided her to the next equipment. Rubie was disappointed but she followed his guidelines.

She knew he wanted to use her to seduce Suzane. Only after that would he give her what she wanted. Rubie was unhappy with the arrangements but she was helpless.


Kiba smiled as his eyes followed Suzane like a predator sizing up his prey. The first step in both hunt and seduction was knowing the target.

Kiba has enough information to classify her in category 1 (broken marriage). She has a dull sex life so she was an easy target but that didn't mean he can directly volunteer to be her mate. If he did such a thing then he would be in a prison.

The second step was tempting her with what she was missing in life. For this, he used Rubie by flirting and teasing with her.

Extramarital sex was considered a taboo in the society. But whether it was a man or a woman, they were easily tempted if their friend or relative was indulging in extramarital sex. In the end, humans followed a herd mentality.

Seeing others committing an evil act, gives one the confidence to do the same. There was an innate belief that if they were caught, they won't be alone!

To boost Suzane's confidence and ensure she wasn't worried about being caught, Kiba chose the gym. Suzane will discover her friend having a friend-with-benefits relationship with Kiba, without any issues, that in turn, would tempt her.

A woman wants a faithful and caring man as a husband but a lover is different. The lover has to be charming, wild and devilish.

The more the popular the man, the stronger the temptation. It was similar to how society was fascinated with celebrities.

Give a man a choice between an actress and an ordinary girl with similar facial features. He would choose the actress.

The reason was simple: desirability. A star was desired by everyone and if one has the star in their hands, it satisfies the vanity.

This applied to temptation as well. A woman was more likely have an affair with a ladies' man, rather than any tom, dick, or harry. After all, if one was going to cheat then they would want to do it with the best man! This was especially when one is beautiful!

As the workout continued, Suzane glanced at Kiba and Rubie but there was no more inappropriate touch.

Kiba would occasionally come to guide both Suzane and Rubie. He would help them in selecting the correct speed of the machines, and so on.

An hour later, the workout finished.

"See you tomorrow!" Kiba left the room.


In the locker room, Suzane and Rubie changed their clothes.

"Please don't tell anyone about that!" Rubie said suddenly.

"About what?" Suzane asked, pretending to be confused.

" know the squats," Rubie's cheeks turned red as she answered. Years ago she was an actress, and thankfully, her skill didn't rust with time.

"I didn't see anything," Suzane replied with a smile.

"Thanks!" Rubie sighed in relief and said, "I owe you one!"


The next day.

At the start of the workout, Suzane noticed no inappropriate touches between Kiba and Rubie. Suzane was rather disappointed for she has tried to catch them but with no result.

An hour later~

"Ahh!" Rubie cried while running on the treadmill.

"What happened?" Suzane and Kiba ran to her.

"I hurt my leg!" Rubie replied.

"Let me get you to a doctor," Kiba said. He asked Suzane to continue her workout while he helped Rubie.

Suzane eyed Kiba as he carried Rubie in his arms and left the room. She continued with her set of exercises...

Twenty minutes later, Suzane stopped. She was worried about the absence of her friend for so long. She left the room and stepped towards the medical room.

"Don't stop! Faster!"

Suzane was startled by the words and the sounds of muffled breathing. She tiptoed to the glass door and her eyes turned wide open by what she saw:

Rubie was naked on the table! Kiba stood across the table with Rubie's legs on his shoulders! He thrust in and out of her at a rapid pace!

"Nothing beat natural exercise!" Kiba remarked as his hips pressed forward, "This is the perfect way of a workout!"

Suzane looked on as they fucked like rabbits. She saw the pure look of lust on both their faces and she knew they were enjoying without any care of the world.

"Yesssss!" Rubie released a cry as Kiba erupted inside her.

"Clean me!" Kiba commanded and Rubie leaned down from the table. She opened her lips and swept her tongue to lick the head of his cock.

"Impossible!" Suzane muttered in disbelief as she saw the length and thickness of Kiba's meat. Earlier she wasn't able to see since he was inside Rubie but now after they reached orgasm she could see properly.

"He has cummed and yet..." Suzane now realized why Rubie was so excited when Kiba arrived as the 'special' trainer.

"We better return otherwise Suzane will find something amiss!" Rubie warned as she swallowing strands of cum.

Suzane panicked. She silently rushed to the workout room.

"You are a good bitch!" Kiba gave Rubie's tits a light pinching.

"Anything for my master!" Rubie licked the last drop of cum from his cock before dressing up.


Five minutes later, Rubie and Kiba returned.

Suzane continued her workout without letting them feel anything odd.

Half an hour later~

Suzane and Rubie walked out of the fitness center.

"See you tomorrow," Rubie said as they arrived at parking.

"Yeah," Suzane absentmindedly replied.

"What's wrong?" Rubie looked at her in confusion, "You are acting strange from some time."

"It is nothing!" Suzane cleared her thoughts and answered.

"Hang on..." Rubie's mouth turned wide as she thought of something, "Did you...?"

Rubie's face was deep red and she lowered her head in shame.

Suzane realized that Rubie knew she knew.

"I promise I won't share your secret!" Suzane placed her hands on Rubie's shoulders, "Friends always guard each others' secret!"

"I... thank you!" Rubie's head was still low as continued, "My marriage was going through a bad phase so..."

Suzane silently listened as Rubie offered multiple excuses; like how her husband didn't give her enough care or how she suspected he was cheating on her.

"I understand," Suzane assured her that the secret was safe.

Rubie sighed in relief. A few seconds later, she said, "You should try him!"

"Try?" Suzane was startled.

"You know what I mean!" Rubie spread her lips into a mischievous smile, "He gives really good private sessions for perfect fitness!"

"......." Suzane didn't reply.


At Suzane's apartment.

Suzane slept on her bed, remembering the scenes of Rubie pounded by Kiba. She was aroused but then she looked around her bed where she was alone.

Her husband was busy today just like other times. He would rarely get free time due to the pressure from investigation, and when he was free, he will be at parties.

When he reached home, he was exhausted. They might make love a few times in a month, but he would stop after he climaxed.

She would pretend she has climaxed to make her husband feel good.

"Damn!" Suzane cursed as she started playing with herself...



The next day.

Suzane noticed how Rubie avoided touching Kiba when he corrected her postures.

"She is embarrassed due to yesterday's events!" Suzane thought.

From today, Suzane has to follow a set of new routines, and Kiba guided her on the instructions she has to follow.

A few minutes later, as Suzane worked on the machine fly, he stopped her. 

"Your elbow should be at a constant angle," Kiba corrected her arms posture and told her to start, "Yes, now you are doing better."

As the workout proceeded, Kiba would guide her properly with the pacing and posture.

He would touch her during the process but Suzane felt nothing wrong since he was an instructor.

There were times when she would feel his strong arms and chiseled torso, and she would gulp. He wasn't muscular like the bodybuilders but he has perfect six abs and an incredible body.

She could well understand how easy it was for someone like him to get women. Not only was he well-endowed below but above as well.

"A charming face and an awe-inspiring body! He is the enemy to all men!"

Suzane mused...

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