My Husband is My Professor and Boss



0Warning: - Adults content ahead.      

Kissing her between two sleeping children was a very erotic.     

She put her hand on his chest to push him but her strength was nothing compared to his. Without disturbing Ben and Kia, he lifted Avery in his arms in a bridal style without breaking the kiss. He took her deep into the garden and made her sit on a rock. He stood between her legs causing her dress to go back making her milky thighs visible. In all this, he did not kiss break. He sneaked his arm around her waist and pulled her more closer.     

She was still trying to break the kiss because she was afraid that someone would see them in such a state. Something was poking between her inner thighs. If she was the old Avery, she would have asked what it was, but now the situation was different. She knew it was her husband's little friend who was teasing her.     

He slid his hands down her waist and placed them on her bottom cheek. He squeezed her butt cheek causing her to gasp, and he slid his tongue into her mouth. He pushed his tongue into each corner of her mouth and took a sweet taste of the fruit. Seeing that she was still resisting their intimacy, he broke the kiss and warned her. "Stop resisting me. No one is coming here." He tightened his grip on her bottom and lifted her up a little.     

"Wrap your legs around my waist." He said near her lips and started kissing her again. She wrapped her legs around his waist and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Taking her in this intimate position, he went deeper into the garden and pressed her back against a tree whose trunk surface was not rough. So that her fragile self will not be affected. After pressing her back trunk he broke the kiss and immediately attacked her jawline with his sloppy kisses.     

The heat started building up in her body and her breath was getting high. Her body was starting to go with the flow but she needed to stop herself.     

"Alex, please wait, someone will come," she said with high breathing.     

"Don't get tense because no one will come here when I'm here. Because no one wants to be at the point of my gun. And your husband can sense anyone's presence very quickly." He said in his husky voice, pressing his face into the crook of her neck.     

He removed one hand from her bottom cheek and slid it inside her dress. His long fingers started teasing her milky thighs causing current to run through her body. Her breath began to unsteady and she began to moan. He desperately wanted to hear her moan but they weren't in their bedroom and had to turn her voice off if they didn't want unwanted attention. And for that, he put his hand on her mouth.     

His lips were going down and his hands were going upwards towards her panty. He was kissing her neck like a mad man which made her little dizzy. He pushed his hand inside her panty and clutched her bottom cheek. The direct touch of his hand on her bottom cheek made her beautiful flower wet. She threw her head back and rolled her eyes.     

His little buddy was now touching her flower. The only barrier between the two was the thin fabric of her panty. He felt her warmth and wetness through her panty.     

Volcanoes were erupting all over his body. His body was overheated and his blood was boiling in his veins. He desperately wanted release now. The last time he had sex was five months ago on his 29th birthday which left him sexually frustrated. His inner devil was urging him to take Avery right then and there.     

Just milliseconds before he lost his control, he had put her on the ground and quickly distanced himself from her body. He also did not pay attention to whether his wife stood stably or not. He was breathing heavily. There was sweat on his forehead. Clenching his jaw, he eyed Avery, who was still struggling to stand upright.     

When Alex suddenly put her on her feet her body was already shaking with pleasure. Her legs felt like jelly which could not bear the weight of her body at the moment and due to this, she dropped her body down. She rested her head on the trunk. This little make-out session made her feel exhausted.     

Alex's condition was different from hers. The storm in his body had not calmed down yet. The heat was still coming out of his body.     

He knew that if he stayed here for another minute, he would not be able to control himself. He went a little distance from her.     

He placed his head on the tree trunk and took a deep breath.     


Finally, he calmed down after ten minutes. He was now back in control of his body. He could now approach her.     

When he came back, she was in the same position. He moved closer to her and cupped her face in his hands. The pad of his thumb began to rub her cheek. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him. " Hug me. " She just said these two words and in the very next second, he pulled her into his arms. She just rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. She was in her dilemma when she remembered Ben and Kia.     

She lifted her head from his chest and looked at him. He was already looking at her. "What's up, honey."     

"Ben and Kia."     

"They're still there."     

"Take me to them." She placed her hand on his chest.     

When they approached Ben and Kia, they were both still in their dreamlands. Alex wanted to take Avery to the farmhouse but he couldn't leave the two of them alone in their sleep. After settling her in a good place, he called Ben's father. Soon Ben's father and mother came and took them both away.     

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