My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-271 Kidnapped.

CH-271 Kidnapped.

0In the next moment, Vihan's body was pressed against the nearer pole by Vijay Pratap Singh. Vijay Pratap Singh had one hand around Vihan's neck and with the other hand, he held Vihan's both hands in place. "Don't you understand that my granddaughter said no to your proposal once?" Vijay Pratap gritted his teeth. His eyes were also bloodshot like Alex's. His voice was very scary. Seeing this, Mr. Sharma and his elder son immediately got up and started trying to free Vihaan from Vijay Pratap's clutches.     

Despite being in his early seventy, Vijay Pratap's strength was unmatchable. It was almost impossible for Mr, Sharma and his elder son to rescue Vihaan from the clutches of Vijay Pratap.     

"How dare you touch my granddaughter?" Vijay Pratap again roared like a tiger. Soon Vihaan's efforts to release himself ended. Tears were constantly flowing from his eyes and he was now having trouble breathing. Seeing his son's miserable condition, Mr. Sharma got scared and started pleading with Vijay Pratap. Soon Ashok and other men also started trying to separate Vijay Pratap from Vihan.     

Avery was watching all this with her wide eyes. She did not think that her grandfather could be so strong as a superhero. Then her eyes landed on the Vihaan and she started to panic. She didn't want something like this to happen on such a good day. She did not want her cousin's sister's marriage to be spoiled. If anyone else in Avery's shoes would have thought the same thing. She turned her gaze and looked at her husband pleadingly. It was clear that she wanted her husband to do something. But her husband was standing with both his hands in his pockets with a stern expression on his face.     

Seeing all this did not reduce Alex's anger towards Vihan but calmed down a bit. Alex was little surprised to see Vijay Pratap in such a form. And it was clear from his body posture that he didn't want to do anything. He didn't want to stop anything and anyone.     

As Vihan was on the verge of fainting, Vijay Pratap Singh released his grip. The young man soon slid to the ground and started coughing profusely, "Take this as a warning and If this happens again, I will not leave you alive." After warning young man Vijar Pratap Singh turned to Ashok and, "There is no need to worry so much about my granddaughter. Her mother is capable for everything." This was a clear warning for Ashok. Ashok nodded his head. He was showing a calm side outside but inside he was scared. He was afraid that his daughter's marriage would be broken because of what had just happened. He looked at Mr. Sharma who was giving water to his younger son.     

But his fears were sidelined when Mr Sharma asked him to hurry up the Bride Farewell event. Because that marriage was not just a normal marriage but also a business deal and if it had been broken, both the parties would have suffered huge losses.     

Everyone was busy saying goodbye to the bride but Avery's brain was elsewhere. What happened a hours before was still running around in her head. She wanted to pull her head out of it but it was almost impossible. Her grandfather never left her side after that scary episode, and her uncle was looking at her occasionally with anger that Avery was aware of. But Ashok did not dare to do so in front of Vijay Pratap. So it was like hide and see.     

Avery looked at her wrist. Her delicate wrist was bruised by Vihan's tight grip. And it was hurting a bit. She touched her wrist with the fingers of her other hand. Vijay Pratap who was watching his granddaughter from the beginning and when her hand came into his sight, it was a painful for him.     

He took her hand in his and started caressing her wrist. Avery lifted her eyes when her grandfather asked her, "Does it hurt?" Avery wanted to say yes but seeing the sadness in Vijay Pratap's eyes she said no.     

After some time Avery gently pulled her hand from Vijay Pratap's hand and she looked ahead. It was time for the bride to leave. After that incident, she did not see Alex and was left wondering where he was. She was sure that Alex wouldn't let her stay here because of that incident and she didn't want to stay now either. She had no desire to wait for the reception and face Vihan and his father again.     

She hadn't seen Vihan in a long time and she was happy about that. But her happiness didn't last long because Vihan was here now. There was a big smile on his face and there was no sign that this person had gone through a deadly experience. Seeing him, Vijay Pratap's eyes turned red again and he clenched his finger into a fist. He wanted to punch Vihan's happy face very badly.     

Avery's stomach went ups and down after seeing Vihan's nasty face again. She started feeling nauseous and had a strong urge to throw up everything in her stomach.     

"I will come soon," she said to her grandfather and left. Avery went to a nearby washroom and began to empty her stomach.     


Alex was watching the farewell program from the big window of his room. But he was not focused on what was actually happening in the program as his eyes were fixed on his wife who was standing by her grandfather's side. Today, Alex saw a bit of chubbiness on his wife's face. She was already very fair but now due to pregnancy, her face started to glow more and more. Avery's breasts also seemed a little bigger to Alex than before. All these differences were very minor but Alex's sharp eyes did not fail to notice them. And there was no doubt that she was looking very cute. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on Alex's lips but that smile immediately changed into a frown when Alex saw Avery leaving from there. But he was relieved when he saw one of his bodyguards walking behind her.     

More than 30 minutes had passed but still, Avery and his bodyguard had not returned. He started typing on his mobile screen and immediately found out Avery's location. Her location was still showing in the washroom. But why she still did not come out he thought and immediately came out of the room. Ethan was also behind him. While going towards the washroom, he called the bodyguard who was with Avery but his bodyguard was not receiving the call. Now Alex was convinced that something bad had happened. He asked Ethan to gather other bodyguards.     

When Alex reached the washroom, the bodyguard was not present outside the washroom. But there were some drops of blood which were going towards a room. He asked Ethan to go to that room and without wasting time went to the washroom. The washroom was very big. He started calling Avery but got no response. He began searching every cabinet but Avery was nowhere to be found. He found pieces of bangles in one of the last cabinets and there was also a broken wedding chain. His eyes widened as he saw the broken bangle and the broken wedding chain. The speed of his heart beats increased very much. All the negative thoughts started coming into his head because the broken bangle and wedding chain belonged to Avery. Then his eyes fell on the necklace which was lying in a corner. Now Alex understood why Avery's location was showing the bathroom.     

Then his eyes went to the door which had blood on the handle. It was clear that someone had grabbed the handle of the door with an injured hand. And it didn't take long to convince him that someone was none other than his little wife. Someone had taken his wife by force. She tried to protest. But his wife was very small and delicate. He knew that she did not have the strength to physically oppose anyone. He needed to save her before something bad happened to her.     

When he came out of the washroom, Ethan told him that in that room was the body of Avery's bodyguard who was in critical condition and was breathing heavily. Ethan had prepared to take him to the hospital beforehand. But Ethan was not sure if that bodyguard would survive. And when Ethan asks Alex where Avery is, Alex tells Ethan in a hard tone that someone has kidnapped her and they needs to find her as soon as possible. Hearing this, Ethan's face turned pale and his eyes widened.     

Both of them got into their action mode and left from there. They had taken a few steps when they saw Vijay Pratap with a young man coming towards them. That young man was Ranveer. After seeing Alex these were the first words that came out of Vijay Pratap's mouth. "Where is Avery?"     

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