My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-114: Truth came out: part five

CH-114: Truth came out: part five

0Although Alex may have said that Clara was not pregnant, Avery had a lot of questions in her head that she wanted answers to. There was a mess in her head. She was looking at him.     

Alex took her hand in his and started kissing her fingers tips. Avery put her other hand on her abdomen.     

" You want to ask me something my little one." He put her hand on his chest and Avery quickly curved her fingers on his chest.     

"Alex, You said she wasn't pregnant. But that day when I came home late, why were you celebrating?" Her question brought a smile to his lips.     

"My Love." He said while placing his hand on her abdomen inside the pallu of her sari.     

" Alex." His touch caused an electric current to run through her body and she gasped.     

"Relax. I just want to feel our child. So just calm down my little wife and yes, the answer to your question. I was celebrating that day because of your pregnancy."     

" What? I mean that day, you know.... "     

"Hmm." Alex began to draw a circle on her abdomen which made her feel nervous. But she was trying to focus on Alex's words.     

"I knew that in advance that you were pregnant. When you were in the park that day, I was there too. Seeing you crying made me want to hug you and tell you that Clara is not pregnant. But you are pregnant and the baby in your womb belongs to both of us. I was chasing you when Clara took you to the hospital. Not only there, but I also came to India after you because I was afraid that Clara would do something with you."     

Alex's words were a big shock to her. She was looking at him with wide eyes. She gritted her teeth and her eyes turned completely red. She pushed Alex with both hands and got up from the bed. Her sudden action startled Alex. She made her way to the door.     

"Ave, What happened?" But there was no answer. He quickly hugged her from behind as she was about to open the door. Her back pressed against his chest.     

"What happened, tell me please."     

" Leave me, Alex." She screamed and tried to loosen his wrapped arm on her stomach.     

" I'm asking you again, tell me what happened?"     

" Leave me, Alex." And with that she began to cry. she was wiggling in his arm.     

" Please don't cry. Tell me what happened." He lightened the grip on her abdomen and turned her around.     

"Love!" He cupped her face and made her to looked at him. "Why are you crying"     


"Yes, my Love."     

"I don't want to be with you."     

"Hmm!" He raised his eyebrow. At that time he was not getting angry with her words. Because he knew her emotions did not balance. She was pregnant at a very young age and needed to be taken care of.     

"I want a divorce." He wiped away her tears and asked very softly, " But why?"     

"Alex, How many more things are you hiding from me. You were around me when I needed you, but you were not close to me. You don't know how I felt when Clara said I was raped. I didn't have anyone at that time to share my feelings. I felt dirty at that time. Alex...."     

Alex made her silent by placing his finger on her lips.     

" I'm sorry but there was no other way to save you." Saying this he picked her up in his arms and led her to bed. He climbed on the bed and leaned against the headrest while placing her on his lap. He hugged her,     

"Please calm down" and began to rub her back.     

"Alex." She muttered while putting her hand on his chest and moved a little away from his chest and looked at him with her teary eyes. "You said she wasn't pregnant but you spent lots of night with her. What about those nights? you spent with her in our bedroom. In the hotel and also in her apartment. When I saw you walking into the hotel with her ...." and she started crying out loud. She had no idea what to say or what to ask.     

Her miserable condition had broken his heart into billion pieces. But her next sentence hurt his heart so much that it was impossible to put it into words. She put her hand on her chest and, "It hurts here whenever I was you with her", she patted on her chest again, "so much pain is here Alex, so much."     

"Ave!" And in next moment Alex kissed her tears and took her in his arms.     

"Ave, Listen carefully to what I am going to say now." He moved his hand from her upper back to her waist and pulled her even closer. Both of Alex's hands on her back were hidden under her hair. Avery was feeling the touch of his hand on her back and waist. Which was helping to calm her down somewhere? His touch was giving her a feeling of safety along with the current.     

"Ave." He began to tell, "Nothing ever happened between me and Clara."     

"Huh.." She put her hand on his chest and looked at him with her chin resting on his chest. He looked at her and started rubbing her lips with his hands on her cheeks.     

He was about to say something more but seeing her like that, he was lost in his thoughts, 'My little kitty you are so innocent but you don't know how this innocence of yours seduces me.' He thought. But when she didn't get a reply from him for a long time, she poked his cheek with her little index finger, "Alex."     

"I'm sorry I was thinking of something. Now listen to me. I told you a while ago that I had never slept with anyone."     

"But Alex.."     

" Let me finish" He cut her sentence, " I was in the presidential suite with her that day but nothing happened between us. In fact, that day I came to the hospital to find out about your health and after that, I went to the base. Not only that day but also the other day nothing happened between her and me.     

I didn't cheat you. My body, my soul, my heart is just for you." She was relieved by Alex's words, but her questions were not over.     

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