My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-83: My wife is naturally beautiful.

CH-83: My wife is naturally beautiful.

0It was already too much for today, Alex didn't want to increase this mess. He picked Avery up in his arms like bridal style, which snapped her in reality.     

"What are you doing?"     

"Taking you to our room."     

"I don't want to be in your dirty hands."     

"Ave. What did you say?"     

"You you don't take my name with your dirty mouth. I will tell my mother everything today and left you."     

"Don't you dare."     

"Yes I will."     

She was wiggling trying to get out of his strong grip.     

"I do not want to come with you."     

"you will." Within a minute he climbed the stairs and led her into the room. He laid her on the bed. He sat on the edge beside her and cupped her face. "Listen Avery, Your mother is coming soon. I wish you wouldn't tell her anything. I will take care of the rest."     

" Why should I listen to you? I will tell my mother everything." Alex quickly grabbed her neck and pressed her into the headrest. he gritted his teeth.     

"listen Avery my dear little wife, Don't test my patience." He widened his eyes in anger. "If you try to say a word in front of your mother, the results will not be good. I know you love your mother and brother more than your own life. If you don't listen to my words they will not return alive from this mansion."     

This was the worst threat had ever given her by him that she had never dreamed before. The truth of Alex's threat was evident in his eyes which no one could ignore.     

Avery was coughing. She was having trouble breathing. Her eyes were starting to turn white. She was just trying to loosen Alex's grip. Seeing her condition, Alex released her. He picked up a glass of water from the side table and held it close to her lips. There were tears in her eyes. Her body was shaking with fear. Her lips were trembling.     

Fear of Alex had gripped her. She did not dare to look at him. The power that she had accumulated to strengthen herself was now completely gone. She Felt chilly in her spine.     

The glass of water was near her lips. Her throat was dry. She wanted that water but she didn't have the courage to move little bit. Seeing her like that, Alex went very close to her. She was trembling more than before. She wanted that headrest which was behind her to swallow her. So that she doesn't have to look at the monster in front of her.     

Alex moved her chin upwards with his finger.     

"Drink This water." He took the glass of water even closer. She had no choice.     

Alex had a glass in his hand and Avery was just drinking water. Some thin streams of water flowed from her pink lips to her neck.     

When the glass was completely down, Alex put it on the table. He got up on the bed. Avery thought he would go out from the room now. But for her disappointment, he picked her up in one swift move. He was still in his suit. He kicked his shoes off his feet and climbed onto the bed. He placed her trembling body on his lap.     

She just wanted to run away from him. Which she knew that was impossible. For the first time in the hospital, the arm in which she felt safest, now in same arms, she felt the most fear. He grabbed her chin and made her look at him.     

"Why are you crying my wife." This was the most sarcastic question for her at the time.     

"say." He shouted which made her Flinched.     

" Now where did your words go?" He moved his thumb over her trembling lips. "You were talking a lot down there and now you are very quiet." She closed her eyes and clenched her fists near her heart. Alex was just looking at her. There was something in his emotionless eyes that no one could understand.     

You know I missed the test of your pink lip. When she heard this, she just wanted to say, go to your girlfriend and taste her lips. But she could not do that. She was praying to God that he would not kiss her. God did not listen her prayers and he took her pink lips in His warm lips. Her heart pounded. It was the strongest humiliation for her.     

He was kissing her as he wished and she was just crying without making a sound. Her tears were soaking their faces. Satisfied, he released her lips five minutes later. He kissed her tears after releasing her lips.     

"Don't cry like a stranger kisses you. No matter what, I have authority over you. Because I am your lawful husband. Am I right my lawful little wife." He laughed like a devil.     

The rim of her eye was swollen. Her lips were also swollen. He rested her head on his chest.     

As soon as he called Butler Kim, he appeared in front of him. " Call the best makeup maid in mansion. "     

There was one special thing, that Alex maintained his distance away from the maid who was working in the mansion. If he had an urgent matter, he would call Mrs. Kim directly.     

In two minutes, two maids appeared in front of Alex with makeup accessories. The two maids were terrified by what had happened in the mansion a while ago. They both had their heads bowed. They were looking at the floor.     

" Both of you, Listen. Your madam is naturally beautiful so she doesn't use makeup." Alex knew that Avery had never done makeup. And she didn't even have any makeup stuff. This is what he knows. If Avery ever needed makeup, her mother would do it. "Your madam cried a lot today which made her eyes swell. Her face is white." He grabbed Avery's face. She was still crying. Alex's words were working like oil in the fire of her crying.     

"Today my wife's mother will come here for the first time. So I want you to do the with this pathetic face of my wife. I don't want my mother in law to look at her daughter's face like this way." He gestured to those two maids. "Come here and done with my wife's face." Avery was still on Alex's lap. The two went and stood in front of them.     

"Avery open your eyes."     

"Alex please....." He shouted again before Avery could say anything. " Avery I will not Say again."     

"And you two don't have to do over makeup. I just My wife's  original look." Both maids were trembling because they knew that their madam's natural beauty was too hard for them to bring back. And pretty much in front of their master.     

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