My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH-120: Hi Alex

CH-120: Hi Alex

0Avery was looking at everyone with wide eyes. Everyone had a sweet smile on their face. But Avery was feeling very embarrassed. It was not normal for her to sit on her husband's lap in front of all the family members. She did not know what to say at that time. She could only curse Alex in her mind for not telling her.     

At that time, she did not even dare to look at Alex. She decided to leave that place. She quickly got up from Alex's lap and stepped forward saying, "I need to go." Before she could take another step, Alex grabbed her wrist. Her breath skipped when she felt Alex grip on her wrist.      

As she was about to say something, Alex quickly pulled her and while turning around he filled her in his arms. She shocked. She wanted to get out of there but her husband hugged her in front of everyone. This made her even more embarrassed than before. Her hands were on her both sides and Alex's hands were on her waist.     

"Alex, What are you doing?" She asked in a very low voice.     

"What? I'm just hugging my wife." The only thought came to her mind when she heard Alex's words was how Alex could be so shameless.     

"Alex. We are not alone. Here are all the family members are present."     

"So what?" He said.     

Avery lifted her hand and began to push Alex from herself     

"Stop struggling," Alex whispered in his husky and sexy voice and then kissed Avery's ear. Avery shuddered as shiver ran through her body because of Alex's kiss. Her body stiffened in Alex's arms.     

"Alex I'm feeling very embarrassed," Avery muttered in her soft voice.     

"And for what my love?" Alex asked her very lovingly.     

"Because we are between all the family members."      

"Really?". Alex asked raising his eyebrows. He pulled one of his hands from Avery's waist and brought it closer to her chin. Little he separated her from himself. His thumb and index finger grabbed her chin and raised her face. Then he asked.     

"Where is the family member my little wifey." Avery was red because of embarrassment. She did not dare to face any family member. She bit the inner side of her both cheeks with her teeth and pointed to the back.     

Seeing her cute behaviour, Alex smiled mischievously. The hand with which Avery was gesturing he took and brought near to his lips. And started kissing her fingers tips.     

"I don't think so."     

"Huh..." Avery turned around and was shocked because no one was there. Alex hugged her from behind and began to inhale her natural jasmine scent, burying his face in the crook of her neck.     

"Alex they were all....."     

"They all went away when I embrace you in my arms."      

"Really?" Avery had little doubt on Alex.     

"Yes my Love," Alex told her and turned around. That time Alex's eyes filled with full affection for her. He took her face in his palm and brought his face closer to hers.     

The name "Ave" echoed throughout the living room as he was about to place his warm lips on her rosy lips.      

This voice was familiar to Avery. Little she pushed Alex and looked in the direction of that voice. She couldn't believe her eyes. She looked at Alex for sure.      

"He he...."     

"Yes, your little brother is here." As soon as she heard Alex, she ran to her younger brother. And here Alex cursed under his breath. "Who said this little brat to make an entry at the perfect time." His facial expressions changed and he was watching his wife hugging to little Liam. At that time, he was feeling jealous about little Liam. If Liam hadn't come, now Avery's lips were inside his lips. And he would kiss her as he wished.     

At that moment, someone tapped on his shoulder. He looked at the person and bitter expression appeared on his face. "What?" He asked.     

"How are you feeling about Liam's entry at Perfect Time?" Amaya had a mischievous smile on her face. Alex narrowed his eyes and noticed his sister's trick.      

"It means ....."     

"It means..." Amaya stood up on her toe and moved her lips to Alex's ear. ".... It means I spoiled your romantic moment." Alex's expression became dark but before he could do anything, Amaya ran away.     


Avery ran to Liam and bent down and hugged him. "Liam..." Her words were broken. Her heart became heavy and tears came to her eyes. She was fighting with herself so that those tears would not come down from her eyes. But she lost and started crying. Her tears were natural because she had found a piece of her heart after many days later     

She was happy. She didn't know how to express that feeling.     

Liam started patting Avery's back with his little hand. "Ave, Stop crying Liam is not going anywhere." Liam was only five years old but he was very protective of his sister. If he had grown up, he would never have let tears come to Avery's eyes.      

"Ave" Liam grabbed Avery's shoulders with his small hand and moved her slightly away from himself. He took Avery's face in his small palm and said. "Liam doesn't want Avery to cry." Listening to Liam, Avery smiled. She wiped her tears and asked him.     

"Who brought you here."     

" Big brother Aiden." Avery was a little surprised.     

Just as she was about to ask more, she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw Alex sitting next to her and passing her a smile. She passed him a sweet smile in return and looked at Liam again. Liam was looking at Alex and smiling. Just as she was about to ask Liam to greet Alex, Liam spoke to Alex. "Hi, Alex..."     

"Hi, Alex?" How can her brother calling Alex by his name? She thought herself. Avery's eyes widened and she wondered when her younger brother started calling Alex by his name. She looked at Alex with a question mark.     

Alex didn't even take a moment to understand her and he answered immediately, "when you weren't here, I was always going to visit Liam. At the time, I told him to call me Alex instead of Brother Alex."     

" But Alex..."     

He cut her, "Ave I love it when he calls you Ave. It sounds very nice and sweet. That's why I told him to call me only Alex."     

" Is he here alone?"     

"No!" She asked her husband but got an answer from behind. She turned and the stopped tears in her eyes resumed. She put her hand over her mouth and started crying right there.     

Sarah's heart ached when she saw her daughter crying. She quickly moved closer to Avery and sat on her knees. Sara hugged her daughter and started rubbing her hands on her back.     

" I'm sorry Avery. That day....."     

Avery cut her words, "Mom, please don't say anything. I know you did that for me or Alex may have told you to do so. I know you're worried about me."     

Alex felt very good about Avery's ability to understand others and he put his hand on Avery's shoulder.     

"Avery, are you going to cry like this? This is your first time here. You don't think you should stop crying now." Avery took a deep breath and parted from her mother's arms. She turned and looked at Alex and pressed her face to his chest. Alex said nothing to her and started running his hand through her hair. He grabbed her waist and lifted her from the floor with him. Sara also took Liam in her arms and got up from the floor.     

Alex separated Avery from his arms and kissed her on the forehead.     

"Ave." He grabbed Avery's face in his hands. "Don't you think you should tell your mother the good news." Hearing Alex she put her hand on her abdomen and looked at him.     

"Didn't you tell Mom about this?"     

"No.," Avery thought Alex had told her mother about their child. But Alex didn't say that.     

Alex knew what his wife was thinking so he answered his wife's unasked question. "I wanted to told this good news to your mother with you."     

"What are you talking about?" Sarah was standing next to the two of them, so she could hear them. Avery looked at Alex and then turned to her mother.     

"Mom, I I...."     

"Yes, you Ave." Her mother asked.     

Avery was happy and also nervous at the same time. Alex understood her hesitation. He put his hand on her shoulder and opened his mouth. " Mrs Miller. Your daughter is pregnant."     

"What?" Sarah said in surprise. She quickly approached Avery.     

" Ave. Is Mr Alex is saying true?" Avery nodded, shaking her head. The expression on Sarah's face changed in an instant and she quickly kissed Avery's head. She was very happy.     

"Mom. What happened? Why are you suddenly happy? Liam also wants to know. " Liam's sudden question made the two of them don't understand what to say. While they were thinking, Alex grabbed Liam from his mother's arm and sat down on his knees.     


Note:- Next chapter will be uploaded in four hours.     

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