My Husband is My Professor and Boss

CH:-208 Violet's Obsession

CH:-208 Violet's Obsession

0White's mansion     

Mr White was fuming In anger and covering the whole living room with his heavy steps. He was waiting for his daughter. He still couldn't believe that his darling daughter could do it behind his back.     

When he came out of Alex's office, Alex's warning was ringing in his ears. He still did not know that who one was behind this. But unknowingly his attention went to his daughter, and when he got home he heard something from his wife that made his guess come true.     

The main door of the mansion was opened and his daughter came in with shopping bags in her hand. Her eyes sparkled when she saw her father.     

"Dad you came too early today." Putting all shopping bags on the couch, she came forward to hug her father. Before she could hug, her father held both her hands in the air.     

"Why did you leak fake news?"     

"What news dad?"     

"Don't try to be smart." His daughter's refusal makes Mr White more furious. "YOU KNOW VERY WELL WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT." He shouted.     

"SO WHAT IF I DID" She lost her patience. It was the first time in her life so far that her father was talking to her like this.     

"Dad, I already told you that I fell in love with Alex. I don't have to anything with his personal life. I just want to be his wife and for that, I can vanish anyone from this life. And just because of that, I gave you the idea of ​​a business deal. In the first place, I asked you to talk to him but you didn't. So I had to take that step."     

Ever since Violet was young, she used to go to the company with her father, which increased her interest in the business and she started giving her father new ideas. At first, her ideas were small like his age but seeing her interest, Mr White always paid attention to her. As she got older, her ideas got bigger and turned into a business deal.     

She suggested the deal to her father to increase her connection with Alex. She worked hard day and night to create a presentation, and the main fact was that Alex liked it because the new deal would benefit not only Mr White but him as well. She had told her father that she would work with Alex on this protection and for that Mr White had to talk to Alex. But he could not do that on time. Which triggered Violet's insane head.     

"But you had to think before you did. If Alex knew about this, you wouldn't even think about what he would do."     

"Dad, I'm not a little girl from school. Just because I'm in the first year doesn't mean I'm only eighteen. I already twenty and will turn twenty-one in a few months. If I hadn't had a gap in my studies, I might have been in my final year now or maybe my degree would have been completed. And as for Alex, he won't be able to reach me. He will not be able to do anything to me even if he suspects me because I haven't left any evidence for him. I'm not a kid who's going to play fair games." She looked at her father for the last time and picked up her shopping bag and went into the room.     


Alex was sitting on the couch with both his arms outstretched on couch arms and Avery was washing dishes in the kitchen. He made his words come true. He had eaten the whole meal. He was feeling very full right now but he was happy. After washing the dishes Avery went to tell him that she was going back. Before she could leave, Alex pulled her into a tight embrace.     

There was only one lecture left when Avery reached her class. When she went to class, she first found Violet with her own eyes, but she was nowhere to be seen. She reached her place after that.     

Emily was already waiting for her and her eyes sparkled when she saw Avery but she was still worried about the news too. As Avery sat in her seat, Emily asked her what Alex said. Avery was about to tell her but professor came to the class which caused them to end their conversation.     

After the lecture when all the students left the classroom. They both packed their bags and left. The two of them walked towards the bus stop for going to the company. Avery told her everything along the way.     

After hearing all this, she also thought for a moment that Violet would be behind this but she thought again that she could not take such a big step. While they were sitting in the bus, Emily got a call from Raina.     

When she picked up the call, Raina told her she was going with Max and would not return. Hearing this, her face went down. Because she didn't want to be alone today. Don't know why but she was feeling restless today. Since Noah was out of the city, she had no choice but to stay alone.     

Seeing her annoyed face, Avery asked her, "what happened."     

"Raina is not coming back today."     


"Nothing. I have to stay alone."     

"Come with me," Avery said to her.     


" No, But and no nothing. you come with me and it's final."     

She concluded that it would be better to go with Avery than stay alone. Soon the two of them reached the company and went to their respectful floor.     

When Avery didn't spot sister marry at the front desk, she asked Emily about her. And in return, she found out that Alex had made her his third personal secretary and appointed another girl in her place.     

She felt good for Mary because being Alex's secretary was a big thing in itself and at the same time, it was a high paid post.     

She was not in the office for many days, so she had a lot of work to do. But she found it good, many days later she was back to her old routine. She was sitting in her old place. The atmosphere around her was also old but this time there was something new and that was her feeling. This time she had a different feeling in her heart. This time in her heart she was not afraid to see Alex and Clara together.     

Her mobile rang when she was so engrossed in her work that it caught her attention. It was Alex's call and when she picked up he told her he was going for urgent work and would come late at night. He told her to take Emily with her and at the same time, he told her Ethan would drive them home. From Alex's words, she guessed he was in a hurry. And the odd thing was that he asked to take with her which she was already going to do.     

After the office was over, the two entered the private parking lot where Ethan was already waiting for them. After getting in the car, Ethan took them straight to the mansion. In some time they reached their destination and the car stopped in front of main door. When they both got out of the car, Avery invited Ethan to dinner, but he refused, saying he would be late for home. But before leaving, he instructed Avery and Emily not to set foot outside the mansion under any circumstances.     

Avery felt a little odd to hear it but she ignored. When the two of them went inside, Mrs Kim had already prepared dinner for them which they ate after freshening up.     

Since Alex was not in the mansion, Avery decided to sleep with Emily. She called Alex several times before going to bed. Sometimes the call was connected but Alex was not picking up and sometimes it was showing out of reach.     

She wondered why Alex wasn't picking up her call. But as he had told her that he was coming back late, she decided to wait for him.     

Avery didn't go to college for many days and also trial exam was neared so she needed a lot of help from Emily in her study.     

They both started their studies. As Emily was explaining a difficult problem to her, suddenly Avery's eyes went to Emily's wrist. Both her wrists were completely healed but there were still scars on them. When Emily looked at her and followed her gaze, a smile appeared on Emily's lips.     

"These wounds are healed, but it has left a mark, just like mark on my heart. I'm still not able to forget that incident, and also the incident that happened four years ago."     

Hearing her, out of the blue Avery asked her question for which she regretted in the very next second.     

"You miss your parents." It was a very hard question for her. 208     

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