PS I'm (not) Over You

Sara Will Abandon the Yun Family

Sara Will Abandon the Yun Family

0As much as he didn't want to admit it, Lawrence knew that his work had been much easier now since Aya's arrival. The workload has lessened, and everything scheduled was fulfilled at the right time.     

She was very good at what she did, and her organizational skills on their important files were exceptional, making it easier for everyone to locate and get the file they needed without a hassle. It was only three days since she started working with him, but he could tell that she was improving… although she still made tolerable mistakes every now and then.     

Since yesterday, Aya was at work before him and had already laid down the work and documents he needed on his desk. He observed her silently when she was in their office. Aya had easily made friends with his other employees and was seen her spending time talking with them at her break time.     

It irked him that she had a different persona whenever she talked to him compared to other people. Was she really that offended that she refused to notice him? Wait. Why was he even bothered if Ayame Xuan was ignoring him?     

Ever since he chastised her the day before, she started to avoid him and only talked to him about his schedule and engagements for the day. She clearly drew a line between them, not that he cared anyway. Their relationship must be strictly professional.     

Lawrence was still feeling a bit guilty though. He had to admit he'd been a jerk to her during their first day working together. He surely gave her a hard time throughout the day. He knew he was, but he couldn't seem to help himself because he was just like that.     

A knock from his office door made him stop working on his laptop. His eyes lifted and saw his new assistant with a small tray on her hands and a cup of hot coffee on it. He silently watched as she served and placed it on his desk.     

His gaze moved up to her outfit. She looked different today that the first time he saw her. She was wearing a black pencil skirt that showed her slim and pale legs and her feet donning a pair of strappy black heels. Her white dress shirt modestly showed her curves. Her long black hair was pulled in a messy bun, with some strands escaping and framing her face. She had also put an effort to apply light makeup on her face to make her look presentable.     

When she leaned closer to him, his nose picked up the scent of baby powder. A particular scent and a brand that reminded him of something from the past.     

"I take my coffee black." His voice broke the silence between the two of them.     

Aya's brow slightly twitched on the response, gauging if he was going to say something rude about her. The one she had served to him had creamer in it. How would she know about his preferences when he only asked for coffee without any specifications of what he wanted? When he didn't say anything, she quickly took back the coffee and turned around to leave his office.     

"Of course, you like it black. Bitter and black just like your soul," Aya mumbled to herself.     

"What did you say?" Lawrence asked, his cold stare eyeing the back of her head.     

"Nothing." She grunted and went out quickly so he wouldn't ask more questions.     

She came back with a cup of black coffee and went out of his office without a word. Aya was resolved to ignore him and will only talk to him when it was needed. She couldn't wait to find a new place so she and Jiro could be together again. Two more days until she could finally go home and see her little child.     

It was already past noon when Ginny arrived at the Yun Electronics and saw her friend busy working on her desk.     

"Busy?" Ginny asked, taking Aya's attention away from her computer.     

"Ohh, Gin." Aya stood up from her seat and walked around her desk to greet her friend. It felt like since forever the last time she saw a familiar face. "What brings you here? Oh, right. Silly me," she said and led Ginny to Lawrence's office.     

She then left and came back to serve coffee before retreating to her desk to finish her tasks for the day. As Aya left the siblings alone, Ginny sat down in the nearest chair grinning and raising her mug to sip her drink.     

"This is good. It seems you're functioning better now that you have Aya to work with you," Ginny commented.     

She had decided to give him a visit to check on Aya's and his working condition. Ginny sighed and looked around his office. "I see your office is no longer in a chaotic state. Did Aya help you fix the decorations of this room? It looks brighter and tolerable than your old one."     

Lawrence shot his younger sister a glare.     

"What brings you here? I thought you're busy helping your husband in his new position at S&S," he asked.     

"Hey, he really didn't need me there. Their father was still capable to assist him in managing their company. It won't fall into pieces, and certainly, they didn't need me to keep them company," Ginny replied.     

"Then, why are you here?"     

"Was it really unbelievable for you that I will pay my brother a visit?"     

"Is that all? Well, you have seen that we're doing well. Feel free to leave as I have more work to do and finish." Lawrence went back to his desk and turned on his laptop.     

"Okay! Okay! You got me! I'm here for Sara and Rion," Ginny finally admitted her real purpose.     

Lawrence sighed and glanced at his sister. He knew there was another reason for her sudden visit.     

"Did Sara send you to talk to me about her engagement?"     

"How did you know about that?!"     

"Courtesy of my new assistant. So, why didn't you tell me that Sara is already engaged with Rion Stahl? I thought you said you will keep an eye to the two of them?" Lawrence asked.     

He was still worried that Sara would ruin her future by choosing the wrong man. Didn't she get hurt badly by her last relationship? For three years, she refused to go home because she didn't want to break up with her previous boyfriend. What made Rion Stahl any different?     

"Let me guess… you already sent someone to check Rion's background." Ginny brought down her cup, crossed her arms on her chest, and narrowed her eyes to her brother.     

"I did," Lawrence admitted without remorse. It was so normal for him to check the background and identity of the men dating his sisters. He would never hand over his sisters to men who couldn't support and keep them safe.     

Ginny rolled her eyes in exasperation. She should have known this would happen. When Sara called her the other night, she knew it was because her younger sister wanted some help. Unlike her, Sara had a hard time keeping herself on the ground and sticking to her decisions.     

She knew Rion was a good man and a perfect one for their little sister, but how could he get Lawrence's approval was beyond her. His sudden proposal to Sara made it harder for the two of them. Ginny knew Lawrence wouldn't allow Rion to become a part of their family without a fair price, and this was both she and Sara knew about their brother.     

Lawrence treated all relationships like a business deal.     

Ginny was quite lucky because she dated Evan for a long time, and Lawrence knew he came from a wealthy family. Her marriage to Evan Park had sealed the partnership between S&S Enterprises and Yun Electronics.     

"Brother, please don't do this to Sara. She might get hurt if you disapproved of their relationship. I have never seen her happy like this. Rion brought out the best in her. Please don't make this hard for the two of them," Ginny begged. She already had an idea of what would happen on Friday, and she was afraid that Sara would abandon the Yun family for good this time.     

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