PS I'm (not) Over You

You Won't Regret Becoming Mrs. Stahl

You Won't Regret Becoming Mrs. Stahl

0Maybe it was a bad idea for her to meet up with her friends and got drunk on the eve before she and Rion would meet her brother. Damn, her headache… it was killing her. Rion had told her not to get too drunk, or else she might get in trouble.     

"It's a dangerous world out there," Rion told her, but she only scoffed and tip-toed to place a kiss on his cheek before bidding goodbye.     

Of course, Rion was correct as usual because after taking some shots of margarita, she started to feel dizzy and drunk. Then, her mind reminded what had happened the last time she met her brother. It was a disaster.     

Lawrence had insisted that she should break up with her ex-boyfriend without mentioning what his reasons were. She was upset that they always argued whenever she was at home to visit him and their mother.     

"If you could just see that he isn't the one you think he is, you will agree that you're dating a trash," Lawrence said.     

"The man you are calling trash is my boyfriend!" she replied hastily with her face burning in anger. A year later, she found out that her ex-boyfriend was really a trash and a world-class jackass. She might be moping until now if she hadn't met Rion.     

She was glad and hurt at the same time. Glad that she was able to meet and love Rion while hurt since she needed to experience a painful heartbreak before she could notice and fall in love with him. Sara downed another shot of alcohol and poured another one on her glass. She decided to give her knight in shining armor a call for help later.     

"I think I'll go home now." One of her friends said before standing up and taking her coat at the back of her seat.     

"Me, too. Will you be okay, Sara?" the other one asked.     

Sara swung her legs around her stool as she faced them, her elbows propped up on the counter as she scrolled down her phone to call her fiance. Looking at the time, it was already midnight. He must be sleeping by now, but she didn't have any choice but to call him.     

"Rion will pick me up. You two go ahead. Thanks for hanging out with me," she said.     

"Okay. If you say so," her friends replied before leaving her alone at the counter of the bar.     

She hesitated for a moment when she got into Rion's number but dialed it anyway. She waited for the line to get connected. He was the only one who could help her now.     

"Sara?" Rion's monotonous voice greeted her.     

"Hmm... I'm drunk," she confessed. There was no point in lying when it was already obvious in the first place.     

"How drunk?"     

"Really drunk," she replied and hiccupped, "My head hurts. Would you please come and get me?"     

"Where are your friends?" was his response.     

"They went home already. Please? I will wait for you." Sara pleaded. With her being drunk and remembering those memories and arguments she had with Lawrence made her emotional and upset. She just wanted to go back with Rion and stay in his arms where she would be safe and content.     

Sara covered her face with one hand and sighed. She was tired physically and emotionally because she had to prove again and again that she was doing the right thing to her brother. This time, she would have to stick and stand up for Rion whatever her brother say against her fiance.     

Her older sister had called her earlier and informed her that Lawrence was displeased when he found out about Rion's and her plan to get married soon. By the way her sister told her what she had discussed with their brother, she was really in trouble. Lawrence didn't like her engagement with Rion one bit.     

"Where are you?" Rion's voice made her stop and blinked. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and saw people starting to come inside the bar, making it more crowded and noisier.     

She told him the address of the bar, and Rion promised that he would be there in ten minutes. Oh, the advantage of having a partner that could drive and save you whenever you're in trouble. She was deeply grateful for having Rion in her life.     

Sara paid her tab, took her coat, and headed to the front door with trembling legs and a fuzzy mind.     


To be honest, Rion had expected this would happen. Sara was almost predictable, and he could read her expression as clear as day. She could never hide her worries from him, and he knew that she was worried about their meeting with her brother.     

Rion pulled on his coat and took his keys from his bedside table. He went out of his house and locked his door before walking to his car. He had been concerned about her and couldn't sleep knowing she was somewhere drinking with her friends. His future wife might need his help; hence, he waited for her call and tried to read a book that he never understood even how much he tried to focus on the words instead of thinking of her whereabouts.     

It felt like an eternity waiting for her call, but when she did, it had taken everything he had not to get angry for her late call and making him worry about her. He didn't know how to comfort her and make her feel better when he turned to his right and saw her standing in the rain and looked defeated already.     

Pulling up his car at the side of the road, he waited for Sara to get in before turning to his backseat and taking a spare towel he always kept within his car for emergencies. He could feel her eyes on his face as he worked on drying her hair from the raindrops outside and taking another thin blanket at his backseat.     

"I'm sorry," Sara whispered.     

Rion arched a brow while he tucked the blanket around her to keep her warm until they arrived at his place.     

"For making you worry. I'm sorry. I'm just upset and worried about my brother." Sara averted her eyes from him and looked down at her hands.     

Rion started driving. While his eyes were focused on the road, his mind was focused on the woman sitting on his passenger seat. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her frustrations were released from its confinements.     

"Why can't my brother understand me? I'm always doing the wrong things in his eyes. I'm pretty sure he already told our mother not to allow us to get married." Sara finally sobbed out in a wail.     

"Why can't he just let me live the life I want to have?"     

Rion pulled up his car to the parking space in front of his house and then studied her. He had no clue what to do with crying women and how should he comfort her.     

Sara then held Rion's arm tightly and wonder if they could still back out from meeting her elder brother tomorrow. She had a bad feeling about this. She could only hope that her brother wouldn't force Rion to do anything just to get his approval.     

"Do you still want to visit them?" Rion asked. He could tell since the time she received a call from her sister earlier that she was very nervous. Was Lawrence Yun really that scary that Sara was trembling at the thought of meeting her brother?     

"I'm fine. We will have to face him eventually," Sara said as she tried to calm down on the passenger seat.     

Rion grabbed her chin so she would look at him. He stared at the brown round eyes that were wet and glimmering with unshed tears before placing a hand at the back of her neck and pulling her in a hard and firm kiss that took away her senses and worries.     

"Do not worry about your brother. I will have his approval, and you won't regret becoming Mrs. Stahl." His gaze raked over his fiancee who had a blush creeping up on her cheeks and wondered if it was because she was drunk or if it was from their kiss.     

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