PS I'm (not) Over You

Wrapped Around Her Finger

Wrapped Around Her Finger

0The incident between Karissa Wang and Ririna Han spread like wildfire on social media platforms. Several articles were posted online, some with a short video clip wherein the model slapped the face of the heiress of Han Zhou Entertainment. It also couldn't be ignored as Cindy Zhou and Annika Yi was also seen at the scene.     

Based on the video clip, it was Karissa and Cindy who started the commotion. Their group was seemingly ganging up on Ririna Han and the former actress, Annika Yi.     

[Breaking! Former fiancee lashed out against the new Mrs. Gamaliel Park!]     

[Former model attacked the newest partner of Han Zhou Entertainment. Was she signing a death warrant?]     

[Meeting with the owner of Han Zhou Entertainment, will Annika Yi sign under new management?]     

"Shameless. Why can't Karissa leave Mr. Park and Ririna Han alone? Wasn't she the one who had an affair while she was engaged to Mr. Park?"     

"It's all about money, dear. Of course, she was mad for not having Gamaliel Park to herself."     

"Cheap woman. Cheap model."     

"But why is my Cindy siding with her and not protecting her older sister?"     

Everyone thought it was the end of it, but when another video clip was uploaded, the discussions on the forums and social media platforms intensified.     

[Cindy Zhou, a daughter of a gigolo?]     

[You aren't a Zhou anymore. No daughter of a gigolo should use my father's name. —Ririna Han]     

Jonathan was checking his phone after lunch when he saw a new notification pop up on the screen. Checking it, he saw several headlines about the incident at the nearby mall. It was also listed as one of the popular keywords in the search engines.     

He clicked on it and checked the images and videos posted. His eyes landed on a familiar face. What was Ririna Han doing there? He quickly read the news article before rushing off to find his master.     

Jonathan knocked silently on Eli's door and went in after receiving permission to enter. His master was still buried in his work with a pen in his hand, reading the paper with undivided attention and focus.     

"Master, there is something you need to see."     

"What is it?" Eli asked.     

Jonathan showed his phone to his master so he could see the headline of the news. Eli took the phone and read the article about his wife getting in trouble while meeting the actress. He frowned. First, Ririna had forgotten to take some bodyguards; now, she started to make a scene, bringing her to the headlines of the news.     

After a while, he stood up from his seat and went out of his office. He would need to personally check on his wife and get the details from her. It was her first day working for Han Zhou; why did she have to make herself the topic of the headlines?     

Jonathan followed his master and silently drove towards Skyler's school. They were just in time to see Ririna and Skyler leaving the school grounds, with Annika and Mika following behind them. Skyler's eyes lightened up when he saw his father stepped outside the car.     

"Daddy!" he called out before running towards Eli. He clung onto his leg before his father leaned down to pick him up from the ground.     

Annika looked at the father and son as they silently murmured to each other about Skyler's day. It was also the first time she met Gamaliel Park in person, and she couldn't blame Karissa Wang for trying to get his attention. The man himself was stunningly handsome, but his imposing manner made everyone fear him.     

From his dark locks, eye color, and skin tone; Skyler was undeniably the son of this infamous businessman. Surely, Skyler would grow up as handsome as his father. Their interaction made her heart clench in envy. She hoped, one day, she could find someone who could give fatherly love for Mika. For now, she would concentrate on her career so she could give her daughter a better life.     

"What are you doing here?" Ririna asked. She was surprised that her husband followed her instead of sending someone else.     

"Tell me what happened an hour ago." His baritone voice made Annika uncomfortable behind Ririna. The devil was angry, but the witch couldn't see a logical reason why.     

'Shit. How did he find out about it?' Ririna was expecting to be reprimanded about it, but hey, she wasn't really the one who started it. It was that bitch Karissa who taunted her when she and Annika were about to leave the place.     

"Ahh… that one? We stumbled and met your ex-fiancee by accident. How did you know?" she asked.     

"Considering how Annika Yi's and your faces are on the headlines right now, I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of it," Eli replied.     

After hearing what Eli said, both women took their phones out and checked the news. Just like what the devil said, they were on the headlines!     

"It isn't really that bad, Eli. Publicity is still publicity whether it is good or bad. Considering that Annika is signing under Han Zhou, we can use this issue to make fans and viewers aware of her comeback," Ririna tried to explain to her husband.     

"Get in the car. We will talk about this at home," Eli said ending the discussion. He wasn't planning to talk about the situation in public. While Ririna owned the Han Zhou Entertainment, it wouldn't be appropriate for her to be dragged into a public scandal. Unlike those artists and celebrities they handled, she was still a civilian and a private one.     

Ririna should have known, but by her going public, more people might recognize her. Her privacy would be threatened. Didn't she realize that would also lead people to find out about their son that they were trying to protect from the public and the underworld?     

After Ririna got in the car, Eli helped Skyler follow his mother inside. He then turned to Jonathan and asked him to send Annika and her daughter home safely. It wouldn't hurt to be careful if paparazzi were following their trail.     

Eli took the driver seat and drove back into his penthouse. The privacy at his place was superb, making it hard for reporters and paparazzi to invade his life.     

"Are you angry? I swear I didn't start the fight," Ririna asked.     

Ririna felt she was a kid waiting to be punished by her daddy. Well, if Eli was going to punish her in their bed, who was she to complain? She didn't mind getting spanked by her daddy in their bedroom. At the sudden thoughts that crossed on her mind, Ririna scolded herself for thinking inappropriate things about her husband.     

Eli looked at his wife through the rearview mirror and noticed that she was blushing. What could she be thinking about now? He wondered. Well if she hadn't noticed yet, he couldn't really stay angry at her for too long. Whether he liked it or not, he was already wrapped around her finger.     

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