PS I'm (not) Over You

Do Not Doubt My Love for You

Do Not Doubt My Love for You

0She was trapped against him, and she couldn't find herself to hate it. He kept her safe and protected. Why would she hate him when he put himself in danger just to protect her? His loyalty was with her. Thinking about it, she then realized the power she held over this devil.     

If she was a lesser woman, she would've used Eli to her advantage. With his wealth, influence, and fame; it would be easy for anyone in her place to abuse Eli's affection. However, a man like Eli could never be used unless one wanted to be killed.     

"Say it once more, my darling," she said, her hands gripping his shirt as he continued to trail kisses on her face. He kissed her lips softly before pulling back to look at her face. His mind was trying to figure out what she meant before recalling that he openly called her as his beloved.     

Eli's lips curled into a smile. No, this kind of smile was especially just for her. A different one compared to the smile he had when he was about to kill someone. His woman needed some confirmation, and he would gladly give her one.     

He took both of her hands from her lap and put them on his shoulder before one of his hands settled on her waist, the other stroking her face. He leaned down, kissing her once more slowly and softly.     

His lips left hers and moved to whisper to her ear. With eyes closed, he felt her heartbeat coming from her chest pressed against his. She was alive and well. If he didn't find her alive when he opened that door, he was sure he would have killed everyone and burned the mansion down.     

"You still have doubts, but you should know, Ririna… that this one only lives for you and Skyler." His hold tightened around her. "I am yours, and you are mine. Do not doubt that this one… loves you deeply."     

At those words, Ririna's eyes stung with tears. She bit her lips and buried her face in his chest. His words were enough to clear her doubts, to push away her worries and fears. He loved her, and that was the only thing she wanted to hear from him.     

"I love you," he confirmed once more.     

The time and place weren't ideal. Why would one want to confess in a bathroom full of shattered glass and with a dead body in the other room? However, his woman needed to hear this, and he didn't care whether it wasn't a romantic place or not.     


When Ririna and Eli went outside the Bright Azalea Mansion, five black shiny cars were waiting at the front yard for their departure. Eli was eager to go back to New Global City as soon as possible, to keep Ririna away from further threats with their prolonged stay.     

The Jiang family was also waiting for them. Ririna seemed so small and innocent beside her husband with that loose dress that she wore. Her wounds were cleaned and treated by her husband.     

"Has the Bureau given their orders?" Eli asked Aoi.     

Aoi looked weird with his cheerful and bright smile in a place where the murder had happened. He was a peculiar one. Ririna knew him for years, but unlike Eli's cold personality, Aoi was the opposite. A mercenary with a happy outlook on life. Sometimes, Ririna thought he was happy whenever he killed someone.     

"Yes, they said to keep Madam Si for our side and take Christian Jiang for probation. Xander Jiang will assume the post as the head of the Jiang family," Aoi said.     

Eli nodded before giving Christian Jiang a side glance. Christian shivered under his gaze. He had no idea what the devil would do to him. Their lives were spared for the time until the government delivered the final order to them.     

"Keep Christian Jiang and Madam Si with you. Do not hesitate to kill them if they try to run away," he said before letting his wife slip into the backseat of his car and following her from behind.     

"Yes, Master. I will meet you once we're back in the city," Aoi said before parting with them. Jonathan closed the door of the back before sitting on the passenger side beside the driver.     

"Where should we be headed, Master?" Jonathan asked.     

"Aren't we going to Mother's mansion?" Ririna asked.     

Eli shook his head.     

"It isn't safe. We can pay it a visit some other time," he replied.     

Eli looked at his wife who was starting to doze off beside him. The manor in the Peach Blossom Garden seemed empty without Skyler around.     

"My penthouse," he decided. It would also give him and Ririna some privacy in the meantime.     


Eli learned a long time ago that patience was a virtue especially on the line he was on. A virtue that most people lack. Many people wanted instant success but never had the patience to work on it. Not that he minded the weaknesses of those people; it gave him a distinct advantage in any field he was eyeing.     

However, with Ririna Han, he didn't have enough patience to keep her by his side. His possessiveness and domineering attitude towards her clouded him with weakness and fears. He, someone who was never one to show vulnerability to others, suddenly realized how much he had revealed his weaker side to his wife.     

Eli allowed himself a faint smile as he watched his sleeping wife on his bed. Since they left the Eastern Province and arrived at his penthouse, Ririna was still asleep. He leaned forward, placing a kiss on her crown. More than two weeks of being married to her, and he couldn't get tired of looking at her.     

His wife was undeniably unique; that didn't surprise him at all. After all, she was Yelan Han's daughter. His mother had deep ties with Yelan Han and trusted her for years. There weren't many people who his mother trusted. Over the years that Ririna worked for him, she had earned his trust and loyalty.     

A man needed a loyal and faithful woman.     

Eli didn't believe in the saying 'behind every great man is a great woman'. Instead, he believed that behind every great man was no woman. For there was no greater man than the man that could acknowledge the woman standing right next to him, and for him, that was Ririna Han.     

There was a strong undeniable attraction between them. Maybe the moment he had met her, his inner-self had acknowledged the girl who was promising a great deal in the future. Maybe he had claimed her as his the moment he picked her up from the orphanage at the age of eight.     

He had felt something deep inside him that responded when he saw her again after five years of absence. It was not because she had an eye-catching beauty… but the opposite. She had this subtle and alluring beauty that fascinated and enthralled him whenever he looked at her.     

He acknowledged to himself that he needed Ririna. Eli rarely confided his thoughts to someone, but he had decided since Ririna left that he would at least be honest with himself. He knew the impact she had on him. With every move, every smile, every kiss that she had given him; she made a fool out of him. A fool deeply in love with the witch.     

Eli found her extremely appealing.     

Ririna rolled to her side, facing him. Her eyes slowly opened, revealing her brown eyes.     

"You're awake," he whispered while his fingers toying with her hair again.     

Ririna hummed before she looked around, noticing she was lying on his bed and the sky was already dark outside. How long did she sleep?     

"Are you alright?" he asked. He was worried that she had internal injuries from the previous attack.     

"I'm fine," she replied.     

She could see the worry in his eyes. How lucky was she to find a man like him?     

Ririna gave him a kiss, but their pace changed when he turned it into a passionate one. His hand slid down to cup her breast to give it a squeeze before moving down to her side.     

He then moved and hovered above her, his hands lifting the hem of her dress. Ririna sat up and helped him discard her clothes. She knew he needed her again. She had lost the count on how many times they had sex since they got married.     

When his lips parted with hers, she gave him a sly grin.     

"You know at the rate we're in, I might get pregnant," she commented, but her hands started unbuttoning his dress shirt.     

"And that's a bad thing?" his eyebrow arched.     

Ririna laughed then she shook her head and removed his shirt.     

"No, not really," she said before catching his lips for another kiss.     

She was his wife, not just another woman—definitely not a mistress. She didn't mind bearing another child of his, but her only concern was the safety of their children. Children. They hadn't really talked about it.     

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