PS I'm (not) Over You

Dying Inside to Hold You

Dying Inside to Hold You

0Rion was staring at his girlfriend who was busy humming a tune to herself, with a hose in her hand, spraying water on his car. She was still clueless as ever. Those challenges and bets he purposely made with her were just his way to get close and a reason for him to hang out with her. He also found out that he loved to tease her until she gave him a pout and tried to ignore him.     

She looked cute. Very cute. She was like a white fluffy bunny he liked to keep to himself.     

Sara arrived earlier with him that morning. Just like what they agreed on, he picked her up at her house. As usual, his girlfriend wasn't ready when he appeared at her front door. She was still in her pajamas, hair disheveled, rubbing her eyes and murmuring something about Victor and Yuri… whoever those guys were that appeared in his woman's dream.     

He focused on what she was singing. He had no idea Sara could sing well. There were things he had yet to discover about her. She had a nice and sweet voice. She was also doing a little dance. Heh, too bad he didn't have his phone with him; or else he would have recorded it secretly.     

Sara was wearing the same bright blue headphones she had when they first met and was singing softly as she worked on washing his car. The tune she was singing was a familiar song.     

"And I was dying inside to hold you… I couldn't believe what I felt for you…" Sara continued to sing, not noticing her boyfriend's eyes on her.     

"Are you free today?" Rion asked Sara. He tried to get her attention.     

She looked up to him before removing her headphones from her ears, and her soft locks gently swayed behind her. Sara moved to her side and put it down on the table in his garage.     

"What is it again?" she asked before turning in front of the car and sprayed the water to wash off the bubbles.     

"I asked if you're free today," Rion spoke again.     

Sara stared suspiciously at him. Rion tended to use some exaggerated reasons to force her to do something. Like when he 'accidentally' dropped chocolate syrup on his floor while she was cleaning his kitchen. Urgh, remembering it made Sara want to smack the grin off his face.     

She was his girlfriend, and yet this guy kept on bugging her to help him with household chores since he moved from his condo to his new house.     

"Can I have a day-off from you?" she muttered to herself.     

Rion stared down at her. What was that supposed to mean? Was she getting tired of him already?     

"You don't want me anymore?" he asked.     

Sara turned off the hose in her hand before looking at him.     

"No. I'm just saying I wanna go out alone. You always drag me out. We're always together at work and outside the working hours. I miss my personal time."     

'…and my precious hubby and waifus,' she mentally added.     

Rion did not respond. Was it too much for him to ask her to stay with him a little longer?     

Sara wondered what was going on in his mind.     

"You're not dating anyone else, right?" he asked after a long silence.     

'What the heck?' Sara thought. Where the fuck did he get that idea?     

"Damn it, Rion! I'm not!" she replied before stumping one of her feet in frustration.     

"You don't have to worry about me cheating on you. I might have eaten something that was yours in your fridge, but I swear that's all," Sara insisted.     

"Oh, so you're the culprit who ate my favorite pie," Rion teased.     

'Oops, busted,' Sara thought.     

She gave him a sheepish smile and scratched the back of her neck, feeling guilty about what she did.     

Rion took a step forward, toward her, as if he was about to leap on his prey. Sara shrieked and unexpectedly pulled the handle of the nozzle, and the spray of water came out blasting at Rion's face.     

After realizing what she had done to him, she threw the hose on the ground. Rion was dripping wet, his eyes wide in shock by what Sara did to him. Neither of them said a single word for a moment.     

Sara was the one who broke the awkward silence between them. She lifted both of her hands and begged for his mercy.     

"Rion, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" she said. She was really afraid that Rion would get mad at her. They hadn't really had a huge fight yet, and she wasn't looking forward to it.     

Rion, without a word, took the hose from the ground and splashed the cold water on her face.     

"It seems I need to wash you, too," he said.     

"Rion! Stop! I can't…" Her eyes had difficulty in seeing what he was doing.     

Sara crossed her arms and tried to shield off the blast of water out of her face. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the bucket of soap near where she was standing. She grabbed it, and without much thought, she aimed for Rion.     

"Oh no, you don't," Rion growled.     

Sara stepped back before dashing out towards the back of the car, trying to outrun her boyfriend. Rion smirked as if he would allow her to run away from him.     

A moment later, both of them stood on his doorway dripping wet from their impromptu water fight. Rion grinned; he hadn't done any ridiculous things since forever. Looking beside him, he saw Sara muttering to herself about her wet clothes.     

Sara crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover up her breasts. Her white shirt was so wet Rion could almost see through the transparent material of her pink underwear. He turned his eyes to the side, trying to fight the blush that was creeping on his face.     

"Take a shower in the guest room. I'll try to bring you some clean clothes for the meantime," he said before leaving her behind to go to his room, hoping she didn't notice the blush on his cheeks.     

Sara rolled her eyes in frustration before following what he said. She took a long time to wash off the sticky feeling from her skin and wash her clothes with the tap water on the shower stall. She would need to ask Rion later if she could dry off her clothes.     

She was humming another tune when she realized she only had the white fluffy towel to cover her naked body, and she forgot to get it from the drawer.     

Her face flushed as she thought about how she should ask her boyfriend. She then heard a shuffling from the other side of the bathroom. Rion probably had the clothes she needed.     

"Rion?" she called out.     


"Can you please pass the towel to me?" she asked.     

"Did you purposely forget to take it so I can see you naked?" he teased. Sara could sense his amusement in his voice.     

"No!" Sara quickly denied it. Shameless Rion Stahl.     

Where did he get those ridiculous ideas from?     

She slightly opened the door of the shower door and reached out her hand.     

"Please? Rion?" she said.     

Rion shook his head before sighing. He could never say no to her wishes. He gave the towel and told himself to pay attention to her request, or else he would become a whipped boyfriend if he let her wear the pants in their relationship.     

"I'll wait for you outside. You can dry off your clothes in the laundry room," he said before slipping out of the bathroom.     


Sara was sitting in front of the dryer, waiting for her clothes to dry when Rion found her in the laundry room. She looked like a cat watching her favorite toy being washed. She was wearing his large black shirt and shorts.     

Her figure could barely be seen with his clothes on, but somehow, it reminded him of what they had the night of her birthday. Rion tried to push away his thoughts from his mind. He didn't want Sara to think that he was a creep.     

"What are you doing?"     

His voice startled her, making her jump slightly at the sound of his voice. 'Yep, definitely a cat,' Rion thought.     

"Waiting for it to dry?" she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.     

Rion, who was leaning against the wall, strode towards her and sat beside her.     

"You're not getting tired of me, are you?" he asked.     

Sara blinked. Was he on it again? Why was he worried that she would leave him?     

"No. Why would I get tired of you anyway?" she said.     

"Because I'm boring? You didn't even seem to enjoy our first date," Rion said.     

Sara frowned before hooking her arm to her boyfriend and leaning her head to his shoulder. While it was true that Rion hasn't any experience of dating before, she could actually say he was the best one she dated so far.     

Rion wasn't a controlling man, but he did try to make her punctual and pay attention to what she was doing. He didn't ask her to change something about her or didn't make her feel inferior to him. He didn't tell her to get rid of her yaoi collection; neither did he reprimand her for her childishness.     

Yes, he was mean sometimes. He even teased her a lot or made fun of her, but it wasn't as serious of what her stupid ex-boyfriend did to her before.     

"You aren't boring. You're okay,"     

"Just okay?" he asked before kissing her head that was leaning on his shoulder. He could smell his shampoo on her hair, and it pleased him.     

"Perfect. You're perfect the way you are, Mr. Stahl," Sara assured him.     

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