PS I'm (not) Over You

In Exchange for His Freedom (2)

In Exchange for His Freedom (2)

0"Don't patronize me, Spencer Li. Tell me what you came for." Ririna's patience was running thin. The longer Spencer Li and his group stayed, the more Skyler would be prone to danger and Ririna felt like a tigress being cornered by an enemy but was waiting for a chance to pounce so her cub could escape safely.     

Without her husband's assistance, she could only rely on Evan and Erica to make sure Skyler would escape if things got worse. Even if she ended up dead today, as long as they would be able to save Sky, her only regret was that she wouldn't be able to see both of her children growing up and wouldn't be able to stay by her husband's side.     

What did the Bureau want from her if they didn't want her head? Looking at Spencer Li's grinning face, Ririna tried to mentally list down all the possible logical explanations for all of this.     

As the smile on Spencer Li widened, Ririna stood grounded in her place. There was deafening silence between them as neither made a move nor an effort to break it. Both sides eagerly awaited for Ririna Han's answer.     

That morning, when Eli left and Skyler was asleep in his own room, Ririna had found herself sitting at her husband's seat at his study, pondering her next moves. At that moment, she admitted to herself that she was at a loss.     

She was tempted to leave… vanish without a trace until Eli came back. There was no doubt that the Bureau would make a move today, but running away like a coward would only put Skyler and her unborn child to a disadvantage. She would surely hate herself if something wrong happened to her son because of her selfishness.     

Ririna sighed and rubbed her throbbing temple. The main problem wasn't her being the target of the Bureau, but Eli's defiance to stay and work with the government. However, she'd prove to everyone that she wasn't her husband's weakness. She wouldn't lose and let herself be used to hurt Eli and Sky.     

She wouldn't let anyone hurt her family. Honestly, reuniting with Eli was the happiest thing that happened to her life lately. Ririna couldn't afford to lose him again. Heaving a sigh, she opened her eyes and stared back at the man grinning mischievously at her.     

"Mr. Park left without giving us any compensation. I'm sure you know this is a little unfair on our part, Miss Han," Spencer Li finally said. He frowned before his eyes widening dramatically as he thought crossed his mind. "Oh, forgive me, Ririna. It's Mrs. Park now, isn't it?" He corrected himself.     

"So?" she asked defiantly, without batting an eyelid.     

"We ask for your magnanimous heart to give us the files about the first Hattori and the current one." The man demanded with a low chuckle, an amused grin plastered on his devilishly handsome face.     

Ririna's brows shot up, hitting her fringe, while Evan and Erica, who were eavesdropping on their conversation, were stunned agape at what they had heard. Their gaze then shifted from Spencer Li to Ririna, wondering if she knew what the man was talking about.     

Her face remained impassive as she regarded him. How did the Bureau know about this? Did they know all along that Samuel Shao was the second one to hold the title and about her grandfather's involvement?     

"Did you really think that we aren't aware of your grandfather's suspicious activities? But I must admit, Elder Han is a capable man. He left no trace for us to use against him, making it impossible to pin him down."     

"And you think I have the necessary evidence to prove his crimes? I didn't know that the Bureau is so weak that they have to rely on Park and Song families' assistance to solve their own problems."     

The sarcasm on Ririna's voice was apparent that it made Spencer Li's people frown upon her words. Who gave the right to look down at them? She might be the devil's witch, but she alone… Ririna would be no match against them.     

Spencer Li lifted a hand, gesturing them not to take another step as Evan's men were ready to shoot anyone who'd dare to make a move against Ririna at any given moment.     

"It's alright. No harm was done. Miss Han was merely stating her opinion over the matter," he said coolly, unperturbed over Ririna's harsh words. It seemed to everyone that the two had known each other for a long time.     

They complied easily and stepped back, but that didn't mean they'd just brush off the witch's insult to their institution. Their eyes glared daggers at Ririna, which she vehemently ignored. Not unless Spencer Li allowed it, they would be able to touch even a single strand of her hair.     

"There's no need for someone to spill blood, Ririna. We're only here to ask for your cooperation," Spencer Li said, waiting for Ririna's decision over the matter.     

"Is that all you need?" Ririna arched a brow on him, crossing her arms over her chest and an air of arrogance breezing around her. She might be at a disadvantage tonight, but she wouldn't give the Bureau the satisfaction of bullying her.     

Would they really give Gamaliel Park's freedom in exchange for Elder Han's? Was it really that easy? Ririna didn't think so. The Park family had been working with the government for a long time, and the Bureau wouldn't let them go easily.     

Spencer Li didn't dare to hide his amusement this time. Ririna Han surely couldn't be fooled easily. Why, of course, that wasn't the only thing they wanted from her. While it's true that Ririna would be able to help them greatly on cornering Elder Han, Gamaliel Park's freedom was still incomparable to it.     

"The Bureau has a proposition to you, Ririna. Surrender yourself in exchange for the devil's total freedom."     

There was a long silence that was followed after Spencer Li's words. Evan cursed inwardly as he already saw it coming. However, even if Ririna agreed, would Eli allow her to do so?     

Knowing his older brother's character, Evan was sure that Eli would be against it. It would be a great insult on his part that his witch had to sacrifice herself for his sake. Eli would skin him alive if he let his sister-in-law agree to Spencer Li's preposition.     

"Ririna, you can't accept this." He pressed the earpiece to talk to his sister-in-law.     

Ririna had heard him, but there wasn't any indication on her face that would tell Evan that she understood what he meant. Was she considering it? Evan hoped she wasn't.     

"Is that so?" Somehow, Ririna wasn't surprised to hear it, but what do they plan to do with her?     

The corners of Spencer Li's lips curled up and Ririna didn't understand what he found amusing in this situation. She was so tempted to smack the grin out of his face.     

"If you're afraid that we're going to kill you and harm your children, you don't have to. The Bureau has seen great potential from you and is very much interested to nurture it. We want you to join our forensic department. What do you say, Ririna Han?"     

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