PS I'm (not) Over You

Reaching the End of the Line (2)

Reaching the End of the Line (2)

0It was already late afternoon when Eli went out to the garden to check on Skyler and Jiro who were busy playing on the grass. He touched the box in his coat pocket, a small smile passed on his lips. He has told Ririna earlier than he would like to marry her as soon as possible.     

Before visiting his father's home, he and Skyler did a last-minute shopping to find a ring for Ririna.     

Skyler was very happy and excited to help him choose the perfect ring.     

They have spent almost two hours checking the catalogs and designs until they found the infinity rings that are rare and expensive. There are only ten sets that were released on the market. When Skyler saw the rings, his eyes widened with amazement and joy.     

Skyler thought they found the perfect ring for her. He couldn't help but ask his daddy to take it The ring is very simple and elegant. Skyler likes what the name means because it would mean that his daddy and mommy will be together forever and ever.     

His little heart was so happy and Skyler couldn't wait to see them get married so they wouldn't leave each other's side. He was also very excited to bring his daddy to school. Eli has already discussed and taught him what he usually does to manage their company.     

Sky's new hero is his daddy. He was so amazed at what could his daddy do to win against their competitors. Eli has explained it to him using Skyler's toys as an example. Their little discussion turned into playtime and bonding moment.     

Eli looked at his watch wondering why is Ririna late. She wasn't even responding to his messages. The sun is already set and the dinner will start soon. He took the phone from his pocket and dialed Erica's phone number.     

After confirming from Erica that Ririna left the office alone earlier, he wondered where she is. The distance between her office and his father's mansion will only take ten to fifteen minutes of driving.     

A different kind of feeling ran through his body. His instinct telling him something happened to his wife. Turning on his phone again he dialed her number. After three rings, the line connected to hers.     

"Ririna? Where are you?" he asked.     

Instead of her voice, a sound like a deep breath was heard from the other line. On the background, he could hear some noises from random people. Why is it too noisy on Ririna's side? His wife didn't like crowds. Where the hell is she?     

"I love you… I will always love you… " Eli heard Ririna's voice but it was different than usual. She sounded like she was in pain.     

"Ririna? Ririna!" Eli called but no one answered him.     

His hands shook from what he heard. Eli knew something happened to his wife. He was about to cut off the line to track her when someone speaks from the other line.     

"Hello? Are you the relative of this Miss?" A voice of an old man speaks from the phone.     

"Yes, I am the fiance of the owner of that phone. Where is she and what happened?" Eli eagerly asked. He has to know, he needs to know that she's okay.     

"I'm really sorry, sir. This is a bad news. The Miss who owned this phone was ambushed earlier and met an unexpected car crash. She's in critical condition. We're here at the…"     

As soon as he heard that his wife was ambushed, his blood boiled with anger. His killing intent immensely surged and he had a hard time to control himself. Someone dared to hurt her and he will reap what they have sown.     

Eli immediately left his father's house, leaving Skyler in Evan's protection. Skyler will be safe there while he is out on a hunt and to find out the condition of his witch. He commanded all of his men to track and find the leads of Ririna's assailants. He wouldn't stop until he finds out who hurt his wife.     

When he arrived at the emergency room, the doctor informed him of Ririna's injuries. She's currently comatose and unresponsive. She also suffered bruises and multiple broken ribs due to the impact of the collision. Her hip bone slightly injured and her lungs puncture due to the shot wounds on her back.     

He clenched his fist so hard. His face contorted with rage and anger. Ririna doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to suffer like this. They are about to get married and this has happened. What went wrong?     

The doctors informed him that her injuries are so severe that she might not wake up even after her surgeries. Eli's heart ached so much he thought he is dying from so much pain. He couldn't afford to lose her. Not now. Not ever.     

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